Probate of Nathaniel Boulter of Hampton, 1695

[Inventory of the estate of Nathaniel Boulter of Hampton, yeoman, who died March 14, 1694/5; taken April 16, 1695; amount, £235.2.6; signed by Richard Sanborn and John Garland.] [Probate Records, vol. 3, p. 59.]

Probate Records of John Boulter of Hampton, 1703

[Inventory of the estate of John Boulter of Hampton, Oct. 2, 1703; amount £156.17.0; liabilities, £25.0.0; signed by John Smith, Abraham Drake, and John Garland; attested by John Garland and Abraham Drake, April 27, 1704.] [Administration on the estate of John Boulter of Hampton granted to Bryan Door and his wife, Martha Door, formerly widow of the deceased, Dec. 14, 1703.] [Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 270.] [Warrant, Dec. 14, 1703, authorizing Abraham Drake and John Garland, both of Hampton, to appraise the estate.] [Bond of Bryan Door of Hampton, yeoman, with Richard Door of Portsmouth, yeoman, and Edward Cate … Read more

The will of Timothy Blake of Hampton, 1715

In the name of god amen I Timothy blake beinge weke of body * * * 2d I havinge by Deed given to my two sons moses and Isarell the one halfe of my farme which deed baringe date the aightenth day of June seventen hundred & twelve, I give unto my sd two sons after my deseas the other halfe of my farme that is moses & Isarell blake, they yeildinge & payinge my now wife thier mother, the one third of the income of sd lands & after theire mothers deseas to be equally devided in quallety & quantity … Read more

Probate Records of George Abourn of Hampton, 1654

George Habone of Hampton in his last sicknesse a litle before his death did give & bequeath all of his estate to susanna Habone his wife we being present. In witnesse whereof we have hereunto set our hands 8th 3d 1654. The m’keXJohn MarionSamuel Wheelwright [Proved Oct. 3, 1654.][Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, p.35.] [Inventory of the estate, taken by Thomas Leavitt and Robert Smith, May 26, 1654; amount £126.][Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, p. 35.]

The will of John Huggins of Hampton, 1670

The last will & Testamt of John Hugins sen. aged about 61 : years being made & signed this 31st: of May 1670 * * * I John Huggins of Hampton in ye County of Norfolk in newengland doe make & declare this my last will & Testamt * * * as for ye outward estate wch god hath given mee as it is ye will of god so my will is yt out of it my debts be first payd & then my wyfe & Childeren should live of ye rest I doe therfore for ye Christian Educacon of my younger children give to my deare & beloved … Read more

History of Hampton, New Hampshire, Vol. 2

History of the town of Hampton, New Hampshire vol 2

The original version of this monumental work was published in 2 volumes. Volume 1 contains the history of the town of Hampton, New Hampshire from its settlement in 1638 to the autumn of 1892 and can be found here. Volume 2 featured the genealogical and biographical details of the early families of Hampton, NH up to the autumn of 1892 and this is the volume shown below. This manuscript was meticulously researched by Joseph Dow up until his death in 1889. Unfortunately his death preceded the final compilation of the genealogies and his daughter, Lucy Ellen Dow, took on the … Read more

Miscellaneous Davis Families of Durham and Region

Durham Village New Hampshire

The will of John Davis of Lee, 10 March 1788-20 Nov. 1797, names wife, Judith, and children, Moses (who married 12 Dec. 1784, Margaret Bligh), Clement, Sarah Kenniston, Abigail Hall, Tamson Stevens and Keziah Furber. This John Davis may have been son of John, Moses, John, James. Clement M. Davis of Durham, New Hampshire The records of Durham give the family of Clement M. Davis, born in Portsmouth, 1 Sept. 1795. He married, 12 July 1817, Sarah Davis of Lee, who was born 5 March 1798. Ten children were born in Durham: George Davis born 3 Oct. 1818. Enoch S. … Read more

Genealogy of Jeremiah Davis of Durham New Hampshire

First Generation 1 Family of Jeremiah Davis of Durham New Hampshire Jeremiah Davis had a share in the division of common lands, 1734 – Jeremiah Davis of Portsmouth bought land in Durham of Benjamin and Miriam Davis, 27 Aug. 1735, and more land of James Davis 24 Jan. 1737. He married Sarah Jenkins, daughter of Joseph Jenkins, as shown in the division of Jenkins’ estate in 1734. Jan. 21 1744, Jeremiah Davis and wife, Bridget of Durham, deeded land to Ebenezer Davis. He may have been son of Moses or of Joseph. The first book of town records has the … Read more

Genealogy of Henry Bickford of Portsmouth New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Henry Bickford family of Portsmouth New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. 1 Family of Henry Bickford of Portsmouth, New Hampshire Henry Bickford of Portsmouth, perhaps son of Thomas of Scarborough, where Henry had a grant of land in 1720, bought a house lot in Portsmouth in 1704. He is called weaver and mariner. He had wife, Sarah, probably the one admitted to the North Church, 9 Aug. 1708. He deeded to Titus Salter, mariner, 12 April 1760, “all my dwelling house, with all the land belonging.” It may … Read more