The will of Timothy Blake of Hampton, 1715

In the name of god amen

I Timothy blake beinge weke of body * * *

2d I havinge by Deed given to my two sons moses and Isarell the one halfe of my farme which deed baringe date the aightenth day of June seventen hundred & twelve, I give unto my sd two sons after my deseas the other halfe of my farme that is moses & Isarell blake, they yeildinge & payinge my now wife thier mother, the one third of the income of sd lands & after theire mothers deseas to be equally devided in quallety & quantity they payinge to theire brothers & sisters ten pounds apece, that is to aron ten pounds, & five pounds to timothy he havinge five pound alredy given to debroh Nomia [Naomi] ruth ten pounds apece

& I Give to my son Samuell my grist mill hee livinge duty full to his mother tell he is twenty one years of age & then allowinge his mother twenty shillings a yeare & evry yeare duringe her naturell life

I Give to my wife the use of my stoke of Cattell of all sorts & goods & utencells in the house duringe her naturell life & then to be disposed of amonge the Children with the ten pounds as aforsd if the estate bee then that it bee no wronge to the executors in Confirmation of all above written I sett my hand & seall this twenty sixth of october ano: Dom: 1715 & in the second yeare of our sovaraigne Georg of great Brittin king I also constitut & appoint my two sons moses & Isarell executors & my wife Nomi [Naomi] executrix: to this my last will to all which I set my hand and seall the Date aforsd

the marke X and Seall
of timothy blake [seal]

Isarel Smith
Mehetabel Hillyard
Oliver Smith

[Proved June 4, 1718.]

[Inventory of the estate of Timothy Blake of Hampton, who died Jan. 5, 1717/18; taken Feb. 10, 1717/18; amount, £278.10.0; signed by Joseph Swett and Benjamin Hilliard.]

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