History of Hampton, New Hampshire, Vol. 2

The original version of this monumental work was published in 2 volumes. Volume 1 contains the history of the town of Hampton, New Hampshire from its settlement in 1638 to the autumn of 1892 and can be found here. Volume 2 featured the genealogical and biographical details of the early families of Hampton, NH up to the autumn of 1892 and this is the volume shown below. This manuscript was meticulously researched by Joseph Dow up until his death in 1889. Unfortunately his death preceded the final compilation of the genealogies and his daughter, Lucy Ellen Dow, took on the task after his decease. For genealogists this is an important fact. Lucy admits in her preface that she had difficulty bringing the genealogies down to date (1892) for lack of full understanding of her Josiah Page’s notes and for the lack of accurate town records. As she laments about the town records “but whole decades are passed over with scarcely an entry of birth or marriage.” Indeed they are.

Notice should be made to the above name, Josiah Page. Josiah was a genealogist who grew up in Hampton and assisted Joseph Dow in his preparation for this manuscript. As such, all three, Joseph, Josiah, and Lucy, should be credited with the genealogical portion of the manuscript (volume2).

In the first volume, the author’s preface, and by author we speak to Joseph Dow, provided a list of some of the town records used in the compilation.

  • Town Records, births from 1652; and marriages and deaths from 1654.
  • Congregational Church Records which contained the entries of marriages by ministers, after 1687; of baptisms, after 1696; and of deaths in the town, since 1734.
  • Wills and deeds were used but he doesn’t tell us from where, though I would expect it was a local source.
  • Old Norfolk County Records. Hampton was a part of Norfolk County, Massachusetts in the 1600s.

That errors will be found in such works is undoubtable. As researchers we are left clueless as to where specific facts came from and must simply source this manuscript unless we can determine the original source. In writing this manuscript Joseph Dow chose to use the “historical year” start of January 1 during the period prior to 2 Sep 1752 not the more accurate March 25th.


The alphabetical arrangement and reference numbers being of themselves an easy index to the genealogies, no index of given names is deemed necessary. For search of individuals listed in genealogies other than their own families, please use the search feature in the book above, or

Abbot, 583.
Aborn, 584.
Alexander, 584.
Akerman, 584.
Ambrose, 585.
Appleton, 585.
Asten, 586.
Atkinson, 586.
Austin, 586.

Ballard, 586, 855.
Barker, 587.
Barrett, 588.
Basford, 588.
Batchelder, 588, 1013.
Berry, 600.
Blake, 601.
Bogart, 612.
Boulter, 612.
Brabrook, 614.
Brackett, 614.
Branscomb, 615.
Bright, 615.
Briscoe, 615.
Bristow, 615.
Brookings, 615, 906.
Brown, 615.
Burbank, 630.
Bursley, 631.
Butler, 631, 791.

Cadle, 631, 788.
Carre, 631.
Carroll, 631.
Cass, 632, 1064.
Caswell, 632.
Chandler, 633.
Chapman, 633.
Chase, 634.
Cilley, 637.
Clarke, 637.
Clements, 638.
Clifford, 638.
Clough, 640.
Coffin, 640.
Cogswell, 643.
Colby, 643.
Colcord, 643.
Cole, 644.
Coleman, 645.
Collins, 645.
Colmau, 645.
Cook, 646, 781.
Cotton, 646.
Coxe, 649.
Cram, 649.
Crane, 651.
Cromwell, 651.
Crosby, 651.
Crosse, 652.
Cuddington, 652.
Currier, 653.
Cutts, 653.

Dalton, 653.
Davis, 656.
Deane, 658.
Dearborn, 658.
Deering, 673.
De Lancey, 673.
Denham, 673.
Dockum, 674.
Dodge, 674.
Dolberry, 675.
Dole, 675.
Dow, 676.
Downer, 688.
Drake, 688.
Drew, 694.
Dunbar, 695.
Dunbrack, 696,792.

Eastow. 696.
Eaton, 696.
Eldredge, 696.
Elkins, 697.
Emery, 702.
Emins, 705.
English, 705.
Evans, 706.

Fay, 706.
Fellows, 706.
Fifield, 707.
Fisk, 709.
Fogg, 709.
Fowler, 716.
Freese, 716.
French, 717.
Fuller, 718.

Garland, 720.
Getchell, 726.
Gillespie, 726.
Gilman, 726.
Godfrey, 727.
Gookin, 735.
Goss, 736.
Gove, 737.
Graves, 739.
Green, 739.
Greenfield, 742.
Greenleaf, 742, 997.
Griffin, 742.
Griffith, 742.
Gross, 743.

Haines, 743.
Hankitt, 743.
Harden, 743.
Harriman, 744.
Harris, 744, 814, 881.
Hawbolt, 744, 898.
Hayward, 756.
Heath, 744.
Healey, 745.
Hendrick, 745.
Henrick, 745.
Hilliard, 746, 754.
Hilton, 747.
Hobbs, 747.
Holmes, 755.
Honkitt, 743.
Horton, 755.
Howard, 756.
Hoyt, 756.
Huckley, 757.
Huggins, 757.
Hunton, 757.
Huntoon, 757.
Hussey, 758.

Jackson, 761.
James, 762.
Jenness, 765.
Johnson, 770.
Jones, 775.
Joplin, 776.

Kelley, 776.
Kennison, 776.
Kenniston, 776.
Kimball, 777.
King, 777.
Knight, 777.
Knowles, 778.

Laird, 781.
Lamprey, 782.
Lancaster, 797.
Lane, 798.
Lawrence, 809.
Leach, 809.
Leavitt, 809.
Legat, 820.
Lewis, 820.
Libbey, 821.
Locke, 821.
Longfellow, 827.
Lord, 827.
Lovering, 828.

Mace, 830.
Marrian, 834.
Marion, 834.
Marston, 834.
Mason, 854.
Maynard, 857.
Melcher, 857.
Merrill, 858.
Merry, 858.
Meserve, 858.
Mighill, 859.
Mingay, 859.
Moo, 859.
Morgan, 859.
Moulton, 860.

Nason. 878
Nay, 878, 922.
Neal, 880.
Newman, 881.
Norris, 881.
Norton, 882.
Nudd, 883.

Oliver, 888.

Pase, 889.
Pailett, 907.
Palmer, 899.
Partridge, 906.
Payson, 704, 906.
Peabody, 906.
Pearl, 906.
Pearson, 907.
Peavey, 907.
Pellett, 907.
Perkins, 907.
Philbrick, 926.
Philbrook, 926.
Pidgin, 927.
Pierce, 927.
Pike, 927.
Poor, 928.
Pottle, 928.
Prescott, 928.

Rand, 930.
Redman, 931.
Reed, 642, 934.
Richardson, 604, 934.
Robie, 934.
Roby, 934.
Rollins, 937.
Roper, 938.
Rowand, 938.
Rowe, 938.

Samborne, 756, 939.
Sanborn, 756, 939.
Sanders, 961.
Saunders 961.
Sanderson, 961
Saunderson, 961.
Sargent, 961.
Sayward, 963.
Seaward, 963.
Seavey, 964.
Shaw, 964.
Shelton,587, 975.
Sherburne, 975.
Sinclair, 976.
Siukler, 976.
Sleeper, 976.
Smith, 977.
Souther, 982.
Stanyan, 983.
Stevens, 984, 992.
Stickney, 809, 984.
Stockbridge, 984.
Stockman, 985.
Swaine, 985.
Swett, 987.

Taylor, 989.
Thayer, 993.
Thomas, 993.
Tilton, 994.
Toppan, 996.
Towle, 998.
True, 1016.
Tuck, 1016.
Turner, 737, 1023.
Tuxbury, 1023.

Vittum, 1023.

Wainwright, 1024.
Wakefield, 1024.
Wall, 1024.
Ward, 1024.
Wardwell, 1026.
Weare, 1026.
Webster, 1032.
Wedgwood, 1037.
Weeks, 1038.
Wheeler, 1039.
Wheelwright, 1039.
Whipple, 1040.
Whittier, 1041.
Wieth, 1041.
Wisgin, 1042.
Willcutt, 1043.
Williams, 1043.
Wilmot, 1044.
Wilson, 1044.
Wingate, 1044.
Woden, 1045.
Woodin, 1045.
Wyeth, 1041.

Young, 1046.


Abbot, Rev. Jacob, 583.
Brackett, Capt. Anthony, 614.
Cadle, Mrs. Ruth, 788.
Chase, Paine Wingate, 637.
Dearborn, Joseph F., 668.
Dow, Henry (1), 677.
Dow, Capt. Henry (2), 678.
Drew, Ezra, 694.
Fogg, John H., 714.
Green, Judge Henry, 739.
Harriman, Rev. John, 744.
Hussey, Capt. Christopher, 759.
Jenness, Francis, 765.
Locke, Capt. John, 821.
Lord, George B., 827.
Lovering, James M., 830.
Moulton, Bridget and Jane, 862.
Norris, Timothy O., 882.
Towle, Nancy, 1011.
Tuck, Dea. John, 1017.
Tuck, Hon. Amos. 1022.
Weare, Judge Nathaniel, 1027.
Weare, Hon. Meshech, 1030.
Webster, Prof. John C, 1034.
Webster, Gen. Joseph D., 1035.
Webster, Dr. Claudius B., 1036.
Whipple, Oliver, 1040.
Wingate, Col. Joshua, 1044.


Dow, Joseph; Dow, Lucy Ellen. History of the town of Hampton, New Hampshire. From its settlement in 1638, to the autumn of 1892. Salem, Mass., 2 vols. Printed by the Salem press publishing and printing co., 1893.

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