The Will of Timothy Dalton of Hampton, 1657/8

The Laste will and Tistament of mr Timothie Dalton Teacher to the Church att Hampton Being in Reasonable Helth of body and of Sound and perfect memorie lauded bee God : ffirst I Give and Bequeth unto Ruth Dalton my Beloved wife, the House and land latly purched of Thomas Moulton with all the priveledges therunto belonging to Her and Her Heires for Ever Item I give and Bequeth unto Her my loving wife a certaine Parscell of medow or march Called or knowne by the name of Burchin Iland to Her and Her Heires for Ever : Item I Doe Give … Read more

The Will of Ruth Dalton of Hampton, 1665

The Last Will and Testament of Mrs Ruth Dalton of Hampton Widow: Excectrix to the last Will and Testament of Mr Timothy Dalton deceased: being sick and weake of body but firme of understanding and memory. Item whereas I have formerly Bargained and sold unto my Loving Kinsman Nathaniel Bacheler all my Houses and Lands as is specified in his bill of sale bareing Date The Twenty second day of March Anno 1663 or 64 I now Ratify and confirme to him and his heirs forever. It. my will is that the severall legacies mentioned in the aforesaide bill of sale be … Read more

The Will of Philemon Dalton of Hampton, 1656

The last will & testiment . . . . The County of northfolke, being sick & . . . .bequeath my soule unto God who gave itt & Jesus . . . . It I do give unto Dorety Dalton my loving wife my . . . .a two yeerling heffer Called Chery : It one Swine & two she . . . .beed in the beed Chamber wth the furniture thear of as itt stands . . Chests & the trunke wth the apparrill thearin with the bras & . . & yron potes ; wth the morter pessell … Read more

Probate records of Jonathan Cram of Hampton, 1703/4

[Administration on the estate of Jonathan Cram of Hampton granted to Benjamin Cram of Hampton, March 7, 1703/4.][Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 273.] [Warrant, March 7, 1703/4, authorizing Peter Weare and Daniel Tilton, both of Hampton, to appraise the estate of Jonathan Cram, administration of which is granted to his brother, Benjamin Cram; bears signatures of Daniel Tilton and Peter Weare.] [Bond of Benjamin Cram, Jr., of Hampton, yeoman, with Timothy Hilliard of Hampton and Thomas Rollins of Exeter, yeomen, as sureties, March 7, 1703/4, in the sum of £100, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, Richard Joce and … Read more

The Will of Rev. Seaborn Cotton of Hampton, 1684

The Last Will, & Testament of Seaborne Cotton, Minister of the Word of God, at Hampton, in His Majestyes Province of New Hampshire, made, & signed May 20. 1684. In the 36th yeare of His Majestyes Reigne, is, as followeth. In the Name of God Amen, & of His Son Christ Jesus, Who is Lord both of Quicke, & Dead, Who hath taught us by Precept, & Example, not to doe our owne Will, bu the Will of our Heavenly Father: yet in his Word hath ratifyed the Will of a Testator, when He is dead. I Seaborne Cotton of Hampton, … Read more

The Will of William Cole of Hampton, 1662

The last will of william Coule of Hampton in the County of norfolke, I william Cole being very Aged & now taken very sicke and nott like longe to Continue in this world & yett by Gods mercy retaining my perfect sence & understanding Doe Declare itt, to bee my last will as followeth viz thatt unice Coule my wife shall have all Her Cloathes which she left with mee both Her wollin Clothes & Her linin & Her small linin yt is to say Hancherchers neckclothes & Head linen thatt is made for Her; & for my Housen & lands that … Read more

Probate Records of Thomas Chase of Hampton, 1652

[Administration on the estate of Thomas Chase granted to his widow, Elizabeth Chase, Oct. 5, 1652.][Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.] [Inventory of the estate of Thomas Chase of Hampton, dated June 2, 1653; taken by Robert Pay, Abraham Perkins, and William Fifield; amount, £111.18.10; attested by Elizabeth Chase, the widow.][Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.] [Order of court Oct. 4, 1653, that the five children of Thomas Chase of Hampton shall have out of their father’s estate these amounts: Thomas Chase, the oldest, £16, and Joseph Chase, James Chase, Isaac Chase, and Abraham Chase £8 each, when they are twenty-one years … Read more

Probate records of James Chase of Hampton, 1703/4

[Administration on estate of James Chase of Hampton granted to John Chase of Hampton, March 7, 1703/4.][Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 274.] [Bond of John Chase of Hampton, yeoman, with Benjamin Cram and David Wedgewood, both of Hampton, yeomen, as sureties, March 7, 1703/4, in the sum of £100, for the administration of the estate of James Chase of Hampton, his father-in-law; witnesses, John Tuttle and Thomas Tibbetts.] [Warrant, March 7, 1703/4, authorizing Capt. Henry Dow and Ephraim Marston, both of Hampton to appraise the estate.] [Inventory, June 2, 1704; amount, £85.10.0; signed by Henry Dow and Ephraim Marston.] [Account … Read more

Probate of John Chapman of Hampton, 1705/6

[Administration on the estate of John Chapman of Hampton, yeoman, granted to his widow, Dorothy Chapman, March 5, 1705/6.] [Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 303.] [Bond of Dorothy Chapman of Hampton, widow, with Samuel Cass and John Chase as sureties, March 5, 1705/6, in the sum of £100, for the administration of the estate of her husband, John Chapman; witnesses, Thomas Chase and Abigail Chase.]