The Will of Philemon Dalton of Hampton, 1656

The last will & testiment . . . . The County of northfolke, being sick & . . . .bequeath my soule unto God who gave itt & Jesus . . . .

It I do give unto Dorety Dalton my loving wife my . . . .a two yeerling heffer Called Chery : It one Swine & two she . . . .beed in the beed Chamber wth the furniture thear of as itt stands . . Chests & the trunke wth the apparrill thearin with the bras & . . & yron potes ; wth the morter pessell with the speete & bastin . . Peuter viz Six platters & a Salt seller & Skillet & for bookes : viz one of mr Burrows Called Gospell worship During terme of her life & the third of all my lands and one of the Dwelling housen as my sonn & shee shall agree During the tearme of her life & the apples of the fouer trees next the Common in the orchard

Itt I doe give unto my Sonn Samuell Dalton all the rest of . . and housenrom ; with my fouer oxen with the Cart & furniture . . . With all my books wch are not otherwise Dispose of : . . . Give unto my Daughter mehetabell Dalton one . . . -owes Concerning Earthly mindedness . . . .

Ittum I give unto Hannah Dalton . . . . . Heffer Called hart : & I Doe give unto my wife . . . . Of the last Crop both Indian & English : and barne . . .& hay and rome to sett her Cattell in the leantow During term . Her life and the Hake : and for the Confermation of this my last will & testiment I have hereunto sett my hand & seale having apointed my sonn Sameuell & my wife as my lawfull Excequetors to this my last will, whearunt I have sett my hand the leaventh of November one thousand Six hundred & fifty Six

Philemon Dalton X mark
[Seal] & Seele

Signed and Sealed in
the Presents of us
Abraham Perkins
Timothie Dalton

[Proved Oct. 14, 1662.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]

[Inventory of the estate of Philemon Dalton of Hampton, taken by Robert Page, William Godfrey, and Thomas Marston July 1, 1662; amount, £261.16.4.]

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]

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