The Will of William Cole of Hampton, 1662

The last will of william Coule of Hampton in the County of norfolke,

I william Cole being very Aged & now taken very sicke and nott like longe to Continue in this world & yett by Gods mercy retaining my perfect sence & understanding Doe Declare itt, to bee my last will as followeth viz thatt unice Coule my wife shall have all Her Cloathes which she left with mee both Her wollin Clothes & Her linin & Her small linin yt is to say Hancherchers neckclothes & Head linen thatt is made for Her; & for my Housen & lands that is free & nott Ingaged I Doe Give & bequeath the same unto Thomas Webstar of Hampton upon Good Considerations & my cattell & Houshold stuff & twoles & whatt Ever Else Remaines free after Ingagements Discharged all to Remaine unto the sole & propur use of the sd Thomas Webster his Heires & Assignes for Ever upon Condition of his keeping of mee Comfortably Duering the time of my naturall life & I doe appoint my loving friends Deacon Willia Godfrey & Thomas webstar to bee my lowfull Exequetors to this my last will & Testiment the which I Conferme with my hand & seale the twenty sixt of may one thousand six Hundred & sixty two

William [Seal] Coule
His marke & Seale

Sealed & Confermed in ye presents of us
William Godrey
His X marke
Samuell Dalton

[Proved April 14, 1663.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Court Files, vol. 1, p. 35.]

[Inventory of the estate; amount, £59.1.0; attested by Thomas Webster, executor.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Court Files, vol. 1, p. 35.]

[Order of court April 14, 1663, that Thomas Webster, executor of the will of “old Cole” of Hampton, pay the widow one half of the balance after paying the debts.
Amount, £ 59.14.0
Debts, 18.13.7
£ 41. 0.5
The one half payable to the widow, Eunice Cole, was ordered to be paid to the selectmen of Hampton for her use.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]

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