The Will of Ruth Dalton of Hampton, 1665

The Last Will and Testament of Mrs Ruth Dalton of Hampton Widow: Excectrix to the last Will and Testament of Mr Timothy Dalton deceased: being sick and weake of body but firme of understanding and memory. Item whereas I have formerly Bargained and sold unto my Loving Kinsman Nathaniel Bacheler all my Houses and Lands as is specified in his bill of sale bareing Date The Twenty second day of March Anno 1663 or 64 I now Ratify and confirme to him and his heirs forever. It. my will is that the severall legacies mentioned in the aforesaide bill of sale be paide to the respective persons according as it is ther mentioned.

Item whereas I have formerly given to my Cousen Nathanell Batcheler fower oxen, & five Cows; I doe now by will Ratify and Confirme to him. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Cousen Nath: Batcheler; A feather bed & bedsted, fower blankets, A bolster, two pillows, two chaires, three Cushions, A paire of Andirons, A little Table, he paying unto my Cousen John Smith Junior the Summe of Ten Pound. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Cousen Deborah Batcheler wife to Nathanell Batcheler; Inprim: two brass kettle, two pots, two platters, two saucers, one scummer, one spit, A basting spoon, A flock bed, and blankets; all which goods she doth Already possesse for her use.

Item to Mrs Mary Carter wife to Mr Thomas Carter of Oburne; I doe give and bequeath by best bed and bolster, fower blankets and two pillows.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my cousen Samuel Daltons son Timothy, one trunk marked T and D.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Cousen Nathanell Batcheler: one warming pan, one case of Bottles.

Item: for the remainder of my goods I give and bequeath them to my cousen Deborah Smith:

And I doe by these presesnts make and Appoint my Cousen Nathanell Batcheler, and my cousen Deborah smith sole excequtors: to this my last will and Testament, and therunto I set my hand and seal, the eight day of the tenth month 1665

Ruth X Dalton
Her marke

Signed and Sealed in the
presence of us witnesses
Seaborne Cotton
Robert Smith.

[Proved Dec. 8, 1665.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 2, p. 73.]

[Inventory of the estate of Ruth Dalton, “Deceased: upon the 12 day of may Anno: 1666:” taken by John Sanborn, Samuel Fogg, and Henry Dow May 24, 1666; amount, £57.5.0.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 2, p. 73.]

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