[Administration on estate of James Chase of Hampton granted to John Chase of Hampton, March 7, 1703/4.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 274.]
[Bond of John Chase of Hampton, yeoman, with Benjamin Cram and David Wedgewood, both of Hampton, yeomen, as sureties, March 7, 1703/4, in the sum of £100, for the administration of the estate of James Chase of Hampton, his father-in-law; witnesses, John Tuttle and Thomas Tibbetts.]
[Warrant, March 7, 1703/4, authorizing Capt. Henry Dow and Ephraim Marston, both of Hampton to appraise the estate.]
[Inventory, June 2, 1704; amount, £85.10.0; signed by Henry Dow and Ephraim Marston.]
[Account of the administrator against the estate: amount, £3.18.0; allowed Jan. 1704/5.]
[License, Feb. 6, 1704/5, to the administrator to sell certain lands.]
[Appraisal of certain lands, March 5, 1704/5; signed by Henry Dow and Ephraim Marston.]
This Agreement made & Concluded this forth day of June Anno Dom 1705. Betwene John Chase John Chapman & Mary Chase all of Hampton In Province of N: Hampshr in New England &c (viz) that where as James Chase of Hampton late deceased left an Estate In Lands & Chattels, and also three daughters (viz) Abigell, Dorothy & Mary Chase: and Administration is Granted unto John Chase above Named of all ye lands goods, & Chattels which did belong to Said James Chase in his Lifetime, an Inventory of wch is Regestred &c, Now know ye that we the above named partys to this agreemen, have fully agreed that ye sd Estate be devided as followeth (Viz) that John Chapman Shall have for his part (In Right of his wife Dorothy) the home Lott with all orchards building or what so ever doth belong or appertain to ye home Lot be the same six acres more or Less, he the sd Chapman paying unto John Chase Seaven pounds—And that mary Chase Shall have for her part, a piece of salt marsh lying neer the great Boars head Containing five Acres more or Less with all ye Rights there unto be Longing, & thirty shillings paid her in money by sd John Chase &c— And that ye Said John Chase shall have for his part one share of ye ox-common and all other overplus of ye Estate which was sd James Chases his above named late deceased by the same more or Less &c (In Right of his wife Abigell abovenamed) And to this agreement, & settelment of ye estate which was our Honrd fathers James Chase Deceased wee the above named partys to this agreement have sett to our hands and seals this forth day of June 1705 In the forth year of ye Reign of Queen Anne over England &c And pray that the Honable the Judge of Probates & grateing Letters of Admrsin to approve ye same & yt it may be Recorded &c— wee haveing all Redy agreed for ye widdows thirds &c—
John Chase [seal]
John Chapman [seal]
her marke
mary X Chase [seal]
signed sealed & owned
in presence of us
Peter weare
Joseph Cass
Province of New Hampshr June 4th 1705
John Chase John Chapman & Mary Chase personally appeared before me Joseph Smith one of her Majties Justice peace and acknowledg the above agreement to be their voluntary act & Deed—
Att a Court of probate &c: held at portsmo on Tuesday the 5th June 1705 I Allow and Approve of the within Agreemt according to the prayer within mentioned
Joseph Smith Judge of probates &c.