Marriages By Rev. Amos Main, 1745—1757

Rev. Amos Main was the first settled minister in Rochester and arrived in 1737. Rochester as a township, however, was formed in 1722, fifteen years earlier, and had likely been settled since 1657. What happened to Rev. Main’s marriage records prior to 1745 is not known, and the existence of other ministerial records for Rochester prior to this collection of marriage is extant if any ever existed.

In the listings below, the town of Towow references Lebanon Maine and Summersworth references Somersworth New Hampshire. There appears to be early interaction between families in these communities and certain families in Rochester, and genealogists should reference the available genealogical records for those towns as well.


June 30. Married Jno Scates & Abigail Hayes
July 22. Married Wm Richardson & Abigail Plaice
July 28. Married Thomas Young & Anne Roberts
Dec. 12. Married Nathl Tebbetts & Hannah Corson


Feb. 22. Married Samuel Downs & Anne Canney of Summersworth by a Certificate from ye Parish Clerk
Feb. 22. Married William Downs & Mercy Canney of Summersworth by a Certificate from ye Parish Clerk


Aug: 27. Then Married Jonathan Young & Elizabeth Mundro by a Certificate from ye Town Clerk
Novr12. Then Married Charles Roger & Mary McDuffe by a Certificate from ye Town Clerk
Novr 26. Married James Roger Junr Lydia Layton by a Certificate from the Town Clerk


Decr 20. Then Married Mr Joseph Langdon Junr & Mrs Mary Hunkin by a Licence at Portsmo


June 23. Then Married Abraham Pearl & Abigail Bickford of Rochester
June 30. Then Married Daniel Cook of Sommersworth & Judith Perkins of Rochester
Octor 6. Then Married Wm Gage & Mary Conner Both of Dover by a Licence from ye Governour
Oct. 13. Then Married Abner Dam & Mary Dana by a Licence from ye Govr
Novr 14. Then Married Jon a Hodgdon & Drusilla Horn by a Certificate from ye Town Clerk
Novr 17. Then Married Sam1 Emerson & Dorothey Chamberlain by a Certificate from ye Town Clerk
Decr 5. Then Married Abram Cook & Jean Richards by a Certificate from ye Town Clerk
Dec 15. Then married Benja Stanton Hannah Jones of Summersworth by a Licence from ye Govr


Aug. 20. Married Gilbert Perkins & Charity Hartford
Sepr 17. Married Joseph Walker & Margaret Downs


April 12. Married John Plaice & Lucey Jennes
Novr 20. Married Jona Dam & Mercy Varney
Decr 3. Then Married Jno Tuttle of Dover & Sarah Danielson of Barrington by a Certificate from the Town Clerk of Dover


May 30. Married James Knowles & Experience Chamberlain
Octr — Married Samuel Ricker of Summersworth & Mary Forst of Dover by ye Governours Licence
Decr 10. Married David Leighton & Anne Chamberlain


April 1. Married Henry Tebbetts & Anna Berry
April 22. Married Wm Macfee & Martha Allen


May 30. Married Benja Webber & _______ Allen of Towow
June 10. Married Paul Farnam & Elizabeth Door
Aug. 15. Married John Door & Hannah Edgerly
Oct. 14. Married Daniel Page & Abigail Dam
Novr 11. Married Peter Waffingford & Abigail Walker
Novr 29. Married Wentworth Haves & my Daughter Mary Main by the Governours Licence
Decr 20. Married John Fibs & .Judith Ash of Towow
Decr 26. Married Joseph Barbar & Mercy Lock


Feby 21. Married Saml Drown Junr & Mary Sevey
March 7. Married Moses Brown & Susanna Tebbetts
Oct: 31. Married Jno Canney & Elizabeth Brock of Summersworth by a Certificate from ye Clerk
Decr 26. Married Paul Jennes & Keturah Dam


Janr 9th Married Henry Bickford & Abigail Tebbetts of Towow
Feby 2. Then Married Annaniah Clarke of Berwick & Mary Hanson of Summersworth by a Certificate from Humphrey Chatbourn Town Clerk
June 22. Married Aaron Downs & Susanna Hammock
July 30. Married John Witherell & Rebecca Clark
Aug. 21. Married George Plaice & Kezia Knight
Novr 23. Married Jno Wallingford & Lydia Garland of Summersworth
Decr 1. Married Jono Ellis & Abigail Richards
Decr 3. Married Benja Wentworth & Rebecca Hodgsdon
Decr 4. Married Benja Hayes Junr & Mary Dearing


Feby 8. Married Richard Door & Patience Tebbetts of Towow
March 17. Married Thos Babb & Meribah Lock of Barrington
April 7. Married Isaac Stanton & Patience Hartford
April 21. Married Ebenezer Tebbetts & Olive Door of Towow


New Hampshire Genealogical Society. The New Hampshire genealogical record : an illustrated quarterly magazine devoted to genealogy, history, and biography : official organ of the New Hampshire Genealogical Society; published in Dover, N. H.: George W. Tibbetts, 1907.

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