Genealogy of Lieut. David Davis of Lee, New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

First Generation 1 Family of Lieut. David Davis of Lee, New Hampshire Lieut. David Davis, born about 1730 and called in deeds “David Davis third,” was probably grandson of the first David Davis, who may have had an unrecorded son. He purchased the farm at Lee Hook, now known as the “Pine Row,” where he settled as early as 1750. He was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. He married Anna Stevens said to have been born in Durham about 1730, baptized 13 Oct. 1754. They had children born in Lee: Molly Davis baptized 13 Oct. 1754; married _______ Hill. … Read more

Marriages By Rev. Joseph Haven, 1776-1785

South Main Street, Rochester, New Hampshire

Rev. Joseph Haven was the third minister of the First Congregational Church in Rochester New Hampshire. He was elected to his position after the death of Rev, Samuel Hill in 1776. These marriage records were kept from his initial election for 10 years, or 1785. The First Congregational Church moved it’s location during the tenure of Rev, Haven, relocating and improving their existing building at Haven Hill to the Rochester Common, the new center of activity. Marriages By Rev. Joseph Haven 1776 Febr 29th Robert Walker with Dorothy Leaghton, both of RochesterMarch 7th Joseph Tucker with Abigail Heard both of … Read more