Genealogy of Lieut. David Davis of Lee, New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

First Generation 1 Family of Lieut. David Davis of Lee, New Hampshire Lieut. David Davis, born about 1730 and called in deeds “David Davis third,” was probably grandson of the first David Davis, who may have had an unrecorded son. He purchased the farm at Lee Hook, now known as the “Pine Row,” where he settled as early as 1750. He was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. He married Anna Stevens said to have been born in Durham about 1730, baptized 13 Oct. 1754. They had children born in Lee: Molly Davis baptized 13 Oct. 1754; married _______ Hill. … Read more

Genealogy of Benjamin Bickford of Durham, New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Benjamin Bickford family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. 1 Family of Benjamin Bickford of Newington, New Hampshire Benjamin Bickford, in 1694, had a grant of thirty acres next to his house on the highway leading from Bloody Point to Greenland, over against John Hudson’s house. He was constable about this time. Dec. 7, 1702, he and wife Sarah, deeded to John Knight sixteen acres now in his actual possession, formerly the land of the said Benjamin Bickford ‘s father, lying betwixt Pine Point and Bloody … Read more

Genealogy of Thomas Bickford of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Thomas Bickford family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. 1 Family of Thomas Bickford of Dover, New Hampshire Thomas Bickford, born 1640, deposed in 1676, aged 36. He married Joanna, daughter of John Libby of Scarborough, Me., where Thomas Bickford had a grant of land before 1681 and signed a petition in 1680. The Indian wars probably drove his family to Dover, and this suggests a relationship between him and John Bickford of Oyster River Point, and the names of their children strengthen the suggestion. Jan. … Read more

Genealogy of John Bickford of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the John Bickford family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Family of John Bickford of Oyster River, New Hampshire John Bickford of Oyster River Point, according to two depositions made in 1669, was then sixty years of age. There are depositions of a John Bickford which make him to have been born in 1609, 1612, and 1615. There may have been several John Bickfords, and perhaps John, or the clerk, did not know just how old John was. Old depositions show that many persons varied in age … Read more

Genealogy of the Bennett Family of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Bennett family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources.This surname is often written Bennick in town records 1 Arthur Bennett of Oyster River Arthur Bennett, born about 1640, as depositions show, married before 1665 Mary, daughter of John and Welthen Goddard. He was taxed at Oyster River, 1666-67. He mortgaged, 13 June 1679, to Nicholas Harrison of Fox Point land and part of sawmill at Piscassick, “which formerly belonged to our Honred father John Goddard.” He died 20 Jan. 1682/3. His wife died before April 1717. 2. … Read more