Probate of Francis Swaine (of Hampton?)
[Administration on the estate of Francis Swaine granted to Nathaniel Weare April 11, 1665.] [Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]
[Administration on the estate of Francis Swaine granted to Nathaniel Weare April 11, 1665.] [Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]
[Samuel Stockbridge of Dorchester, Mass., clothier, oldest son, renounces administration on the estate of his father, John Stockbridge of Hampton, Nov. 23, 1715, and requests that administration be granted to his next brother, John Stockbridge of Berwick, Me.; witnesses, Abraham Stockbridge and Ann Newman.] [Administration on the estate of John Stockbridge of Hampton granted to his son, John Stockbridge of Berwick, Me., Aug. 15, 1716.][Probate Records, vol. 9, p. 15.] [Bond of John Stockbridge, with Alexander Grant and Thomas Earle as sureties, all of Berwick, Me., in the sum of £50, Aug. 15, 1715, for administration of the estate; witnesses,
[Administration on the estate of Israel Smith of Hampton, tailor, granted to his widow, Sarah Smith, no date.][Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 306.] [Bond of Sarah Smith of Hampton, widow, with John Smith and Abraham Drake, 2d, as sureties, May 7, 1706, int he sum of £80, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, Peter Johnson and Deborah Godfrey.] [Inventory, May 15, 1706; amount, £81.14.0; signed by James Prescott and Joseph Sanborn.]
In the name of God Amen The 25th day of August 1660 I Roger Shawe of Hampton in the County of Norfolk being sick and weake in body * * * ffirst I give unto my son Joseph Shawe my ffarme, that is to say one hundred Ackers of upland bounded as followeth from the Towne bridge & goodman Levitt in Part, and Comon Contry way in part, & the Comon in part one the south east : ffifteene Ackers of Land of my owne on the South west and mr Dalton’s ffarme northwest medowes belonging to the ffarme north east
[An account of the administrator, Robert Smith, against the estate of Robert Read of Hampton, showing a balance of £7.2.6 due him from the estate. This the court, April 12, 1664, ordered to be paid out of the rent of a house in Boston belonging to the estate.] [Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]
The Last will and testament of Thomas Philbrick SunR I Thomas Philbrick being very Aged and weak in body Butt sound in understanding senc & memory Doe settle my Estate according to this my last will here under written Impri I Give and Bequeth unto my son James Philbrick and to my Grand Child John Philbrick my fresh medow lying near to the Beach being by Estimation six acres more or less as itt is the which to bee Equally Devided betwen them att such time as shal be . after mentioned: Ittem I Give unto my son James Phil-brick .
[Citation, March 1, 1706/7, to Samuel Palmer of Hampton to appear and administer or renounce administration upon the estate of his father, Christopher Palmer of Hampton, administration having been asked for by Theodore Atkinson, principal creditor. Endorsed “March ye 4th 1706/ non est Inventus Samuell Marston constabel.”]
Probate of Christopher Palmer of Hampton, 1706/7 Read More »
In the name of God Amen I Thomas page of Hampton in ye province of new Hampsheire in new England being Sick and weak of Body * * * Ittem I give and bequeath unto Mary my loveing Wiffe all my Cattell of all sorts whatsoever (Excepting two young oxen that were my son Roberts in his life time and one young mare which oxen and mare I have hereafter disposed of in this my last will), I also give unto Mary my loving wife all my Houshold goods and Impliments of Husbandry to be all att Her disposing ffor the
In the name and fear of God AmenI Rober Page of Hampton in the County of Norfolke in New England being aged and weak of Body butt sound of understanding and of a Disposeing mind doe make this my last will as followeth Haveing Comitted my selfe unto the almighty and shortly to lay of this Earthly tabernacle do Comitt my fraile body to the Earth to bee buried in Hampton burieing place in a Cristian and Decentt manner as my Children shall order & Appoynt And for whatt Estate God Hath bestowed upon mee in this world my will
In the name of God Amen I francis Page of Hampton in the Province of New Hampshier in new England yeoman * * * Itam I give and bequeath to my son Elisha Page so much of my old Lot of land laying north ward of the northly end of my orchard in the general feild in the town where I formerly Lived as to make up one half of my said Land with what the said Elisha had of it before and Joining to what said Elisha had of me before northly of my said orchard I also give