The will of Thomas Page of Hampton, 1686

In the name of God Amen

I Thomas page of Hampton in ye province of new Hampsheire in new England being Sick and weak of Body * * *

Ittem I give and bequeath unto Mary my loveing Wiffe all my Cattell of all sorts whatsoever (Excepting two young oxen that were my son Roberts in his life time and one young mare which oxen and mare I have hereafter disposed of in this my last will), I also give unto Mary my loving wife all my Houshold goods and Impliments of Husbandry to be all att Her disposing ffor the bringing up my children

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Christepher page all my Houssing my Dwelling House barns stable and all my out houses with orcherd yards and all my lott wher the sayd Houses sand be the same more or less that wase Given to me by my father Excepting: the two acres & a half that I bought of John Marston which I have otherways disposed of I also give unto the sayd Christepher page my pece of meadow Com’only Called my littell Meadow with all the land adjoyning to it that wase some times ffenced in ffor a pausture be the same more or less as it wase ffenced as also my salt marsh lieng over the landing place rever be the same more or less as itt is: as also a small pece of marsh about three acres more or less lieng by william ffullers marsh as also one shear of the great oxe Com’on that lieth part over the great neck by Sergens Island and two shears of the Cow Com’ons with all Rights privilidgs and appurtinances belonging to the sd shears as also my part of the Sawmill all which the sayd Christepher is to Entre upon and Injoy when he shall Come to the age of twentie ffower years but no sooner Except his mother pleasith: my wife to have the use and improvement of all the above mentioned houss and lands untill my son Chistepher arive to the age of twentie fower years ffor Her Comfortable livelyhood and bringing up my children and upon Christephers possesing the fforementioned Houses and lands Hee is to take Care to maintaing His mother Comfortably and Honorably during her naturall Life or to Her day of marriage or if he ffaile my wife shall have libertie to make use of my Houssing and so much of my lands as will mainetaing Her Honorably So long as she live or to Her day of marriage And in case it shall please God to take my son Christepher out of this life before he have any children then the above mentioned Houses and lands is to goe to my son John page upon the Conditions above sayd that His Mother be Honorably maintained as above sd:

Ittem I give and bequeath unto my son John page about two acres and a half of land bee the same more or less that lieth att the lots end that I bought of John Marston: as also my Right of that land which is one Half of the land granted to My father by Jacob garlands be the same more or less as it is as also the one Half of that pece of meadow or marsh that wase my ffather Hussys nere ben: shaws lieng betwen the marsh of the Towne of Hampton and Isaac godfree the sayd John to have his Half att this end next the upland as also all the meadow and upland one both sids the way on this sids John massons that wase my ffather Hussys and by him given to my wife be the same more or less and one half of my Beach Meadow be the same more or less John to devide and steven to choose and also one sheare of the Cow Com’ons with all Rights privillidges and appurtinances thereunto belonging: He to Enter upon the Same att the age of twentie one years and his mother to have the use and improvement of it the meen whill for the bringing up my children

Item I Give unto my Daughter Mary Roby one shear of the great oxe Com’on with all Rights thereunto belonging: lieng partt next Hen: Moultens sheare and those two young oxen that were my son Roberts pages in his life Time:

Item I give unto my son steven page all the upland swamp and meadow ground that wase given to my son Robart page by his grandfather Robert page in his will that lieth att he Lott : be the same more or less: as it is as also the one half of my beach meadow he to choose after John have devided it: as also the sotherly end of the meadow or marsh by Ben: shaws that wase some time my father Hussys steven to have one Half: of that as also one sheare of the Cow Com’ons of Hampton he to Enter upon the same att the age of twentie one years and his mother to have the use and improvment of it till that time for the bringing up of my children

Ittem I give unto my Daughter Bethiah page the some of ffortie pounds to be payd to Her by my sons John page and Steven page in marchentable pay att priz Current twentie pound apece the one Half to be payd when she shall arive to the age of Eighteen years and the other att twentie ffive years ould:

Also my will is that my three sons and young Daughter be att my wifes dispossing untill thay Come to the age above sd Except thay shall dispose of themselfs by marriage before that time.

Ittem I give my young Bay Mare goeing of two yeare ould to my Cossen Samuell Marston My sister Rebeckas son.

And I doe appoint Constitute and make my loving wife mary page to be my sooll Exequetrix to this my last will and teastiment: In wittnes here unto I the above sayd Thomas page have hereunto put my hand and seall this thirtie first day of August sixeteen Hundred and Eightie sixe and in the second yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord James the second by the grace of God of England scotland ffrance and Ireland King &ct:

Thomas page
his mark X & seal [seal]

Samuell Marston
Seth fog
James fog
Henry Dow:

[Proved Oct. 7, 1686.]

[Inventory of the estate of Thomas Page, who died Sept. 8, 1686; taken Oct. 1, 1686; amount, £728.0.0; signed by John Sanborn, Thomas Marston, and Henry Dow.]

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