In the name of God Amen The 25th day of August 1660 I Roger Shawe of Hampton in the County of Norfolk being sick and weake in body * * *
ffirst I give unto my son Joseph Shawe my ffarme, that is to say one hundred Ackers of upland bounded as followeth from the Towne bridge & goodman Levitt in Part, and Comon Contry way in part, & the Comon in part one the south east : ffifteene Ackers of Land of my owne on the South west and mr Dalton’s ffarme northwest medowes belonging to the ffarme north east And ffive and Twenty Ackers of fresh medow surrounded with [t]he Taylors River and the upland of the ffarme, the medow lying north East, And all my Salt Marsh (Excepting) ffive Ackers of that marsh to lye adjoyning to Thomas wards marsh on the south side of Taylors River with all preveledges belonging to the ffarme.
Item I give unto my son Benjamin Shaw my dwellying howse howses, Orchard Garden and all the land I have on the northside Taylors River, medow, upland or swamp wth all Comonages and prveledges thereunto belonging with ffifteene Ackers of upland or Swamp lying att ye South west end of the ffarme, with ffive Ackers of salt marsh on that side my marsh towards Taylors River adjoyning to Thomas wards
Item I give to Margarett ward my Daughter ffive shillings
Item I give to my Daughter Ann ffogg thirteene pounds
Item I give to my Daughter Hester Thirteene pounds
Item I give to my Daughter Marie Twenty pounds
Item I give unto my son Daniell Tilton ffive pounds
Item I give to my son Benjamin one horse Coult, Three yearelings one Ewe Lamb the bed he lyeth on two puter Dishes, one of evrye Iron thing in the howse if there be two (or els not) A third part of all husbandry ware halfe of all Carpenters Tooles I have : six bushels of wheat and ffowerteene of Indian Corne but hee must be att cost of all labor to itt : Also I appoint Benjamin to have for his use my howse and Land on the southeast side the Country high way now for his use. Excepting halfe of the Orchard wch I give to my son Joseph for Two yeares and the peece of medow on this side the Towne Bridge, And for all these goods I give unto Benjamin my will is that he shall pay unto Daniell Tilton [t]he sum of Twenty five pounds when hee comes to the aige of 21 yeares : The wch sum is xxth pt of itt wch I was to pay by Covent & 51 I give him more as is above expressed in my will And for want of paymt of his 251 I do bind over my sons Benjamins Lands for the securitye of itt to be paid out of the rents of the Lands untill itt be fully paid : Also I Do appoint Samwell ffogg & my son Joseph as trustees to order & direct my son Benjamin untill hee come to ye age of 21 yeares according to Law in all thinges.
Item I give all the rest of my goods both moveable & unmoveable wth the use of all the ffeild on the othr side on the high way (but two Ackers on the nerer side one yeare) I give unto my son Joseph And my will is that hee is sole Executor of this my last will and Testamt and I appoint him to pay all my Debts Legacyes that are or shall appeare to be Due according to Law Excepting what is appointed to be paid other wayes. And if my Executor fails to make paymt I appoint his Lands shall pay them (not by saile) but by [t]he Rent of itt untill they be paid or any pt thereof. And my will further is that if my son Joseph and Benjamin Dye without issue then [t]he Lands to goe my other Daughters Ann, Hester, & Marye & to their Heires for ever Considering a Competencye for there wifes att the Discretion of my supervisors John Leveritt & samuell ffogg whome I appoint as trustees to see this my will performed
And renounce my all other former wills either by words or writeings I make this my last will & Testament In witnes whereof I have here unto sett my hand & seale the day and yeare above written.
Roger [Seal] Shawe
Signed sealed in the
presence of us :
John Cleford
Samwell Hall Ser.
The twentieth of march one thousand Six Hundred and Sixty I Roger Shaw being yett in the land of the living & in sound memory & Sence : Doe thinke meett to aDe to this my last will as ffolloweth viz that whearas thear are two of the Children which Have thirteen pound a peese Given them I doe appoint thatt theey shall have butt five apeece : and whearas I have Given one Child five shillings I doe appoint thatt itt shall have five pound all which somes are to bee payd within a yeere after my decease & whereas I did bequeath fourteen bushils of indian Corne to my son Benjamen & Six bushils of wheatt I doe now appoint yt benjamin should Sow two acres of yt lott on the other sid of the way the next yeere I doe now appoint that Joseph shall Have the profitt thereof the next yeere and whearas I did appoint Benjamen to pay his brothr Daniell Tilton twenty five pownd when hee Cam to age I Doe now appoint Him to pay His Sister Mary twenty pounds att the time appointed her to pay five pound to His brother Joseph when Daniell Comes to Age & I Doe appoint my son Joseph to pay Abraham & Daniell Tilton their portions according to Covenant when they shall Come of Age and to this my last addition I Doe sett my Hand & seale the Day & yeere a bove written
Roger [Seal] Shawe
Signed Sealed in
the prsents of us
Samuell Dalton
John Cliford
[Proved Oct. 10, 1661.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]
[Inventory of the estate, taken by John Sanborn and William Moulton June, 1661; amount, £369.1.0.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]