Croydon, New Hampshire Genealogy and History

One Room Schoolhouse Croydon New Hampshire
The one room schoolhouse still active in Croydon New Hampshire

Croydon, Sullivan county, is situated on the highlands between the Connecticut and Merrimack rivers, and is forty four miles from Concord, in a northwesterly direction. It was incorporated May 31, 1763, and was granted to Samuel Chase, and sixty-four others, under the usual conditions. The settlement was commenced, in 1766, by Moses Whipple, Seth Chase, David Warren, Ezekiel Powers, and perhaps some others, from Grafton, Mass. Seth Chase’s family was the first to settle in Croydon. Privations and hardships endured by the first settlers, but Indian depredations were unknown; in fact, it is believed that no permanent Indian settlement was ever made here, as no vestiges of their habitations have been discovered. Some stone utensils, such as chisels, gouges, and tomahawks, have come to light, which give evidence that at least they visited the vicinity. The inhabitants of Croydon lent their aid to the struggle which resulted in the independence of the American colonies, and many of them took an active part in the battles incidental to the contest, remaining in active service till the surrender of Burgoyne.

The shape of this town was originally square, but additions from it in 1808 and 1809, in the one case to the territory of Grantham, and in the other to that of Cornish, have somewhat altered its form and lessened its dimensions. The surface is hilly and uneven, and is, in many cases, covered with huge masses of granite. The soil, with the exception of the alluvial lands near Sugar river, is generally hard and unproductive. Croydon mountain, the highest land in Sullivan county, extends across the western part. Pine hill, taking its name from its having been covered with pine timber, lies in the eastern part. The town is watered by the north branch of Sugar River, and by a number of ponds, the principal of which are Long, Rocky-bound, Governor’s, and Spectacle. The inhabitants were generally engaged in agricultural pursuits, and in the raising of cattle.

What’s New

  • 1850 Croydon, New Hampshire Census
    The following census of Croydon, Sullivan County, NH was extracted by me from 7 Jan 2010 through 14 March 2010. The extraction provides basic information such as the names, ages, sex, and occupation of each resident of Croydon. For space purposes and speed, I have chosen not to do a complete extraction, but may choose at a later date to add the full transcription. Every person enumerated in Croydon, however, is listed. For further verification of this census, researchers should view the original census records.
  • Croydon Cemeteries
    We have recently recorded all internees in Croydon’s nine (9) cemeteries; a 10th, (Brighton) ceased to exist years ago as the headstone were removed for whatever reason but still is town property. Plus, 2 cremations from Croydon Mountain (Peak).
  • Croydon Military Burials
    A list, used for Memorial Holiday purposes, of all Croydon military veterans buried in Croydon cemeteries.

1 thought on “Croydon, New Hampshire Genealogy and History”

  1. My husband was transferred to Claremont, NY 1966, his employees servicing a large area : White River Jct, Newport, NH, Sunapee, Croydon NH, Windsor, VT, Bellows Falls, VT. My maiden name was Stone, having an interest in the settlement of Croydon by Samuel Chase and 64 others, Croydon incorporated 31 May 1763. Rev War Soldier Uriah Stone 1739-1819 was a sailor aboard the row Galley “Spitfire”, sister ship “George Washington”; these row galleys were the navy of Rhode Island, commanded by Ezek Hopkins during the Revolution. Uriah Stone lost his left arm, hit by a cannon ball from a British Frigate (22 Feb 1777), near Howland’s Ferry.
    General George Washington ordered the R.I. General Assembly to grant Uriah a pension. Uriah relocated in Lamoille County, VT after the Revolution, he died 1819, is buried in Wheeler Cemetery. His military records state he was of Croydon, New Hampshire. Should this be true, there would be a record in Croydon. I have recorded Uriah,s descendants through many generations, linking him to many burials in Croydon Cemeteries. Stone Ancestry records the grant of 26,000 acres of land in Vermont (New Hampshire Grants by Gov. Wentworth), mid 1700s. General Sullivan’s Expedition 1778-1779 is part of this historical era, and Sullivan County, NH is part of this inquiry.
    Will share my data, requesting likewise information sharing. You may contact me at


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