Will of Robert Drake of Hampton, 1663

In the name of God Amen: the fifth of May in year of our lord one thousand six hundred & sixty three; I Robert Drake in the Town of Hampton in New-England in Norfolk Searge–Maker * * *

Item: my goods I give & bequeath as followeth: To my son Nathaniell Drake I Will & bequeath six pound; & to my son Abraham Drakes eldest son Abraham Drake I give twelve pounds To my Daughter Susanna Drake twelve pounds to my Grandchild Rachell Drake twelve pound; to Jean Drake twelve pounds ye which are my son Nathaniels two Daughters; to my Grand-children Susanna Drake, Sarah Drake, Mary Drake, Elisabeth & Hannah, to each of them twelve pounds, being ye Children of my son Abraham Drake; & to my son Abraham Drake I will & bequeath the remainder of my estate being my house & house lot with my Medowes salt marsh & fresh with six shares, fower of Cow Commons & two of ox Commons with all rights previ-leges & appertenances thereunto belonging my upland & whatso-ever lands; as also my Cattell; three steres two of seaven yeares of age & one of fouer; two Cows, one yearling, Item my houshold stuff bed & bedding Brasse & puter Iron & Lead whatso-ever; all which my mentioned estate I will & bequeath to my son Abraham Drake; my sayd son to pay ye aforespesified legacies to the severall parties as before given; at one & twenty yeares of age; none to make any demand till a year after my decease; Item if any of my Grandchildren dye before they be of age, there portion to be devided equally amongst my Grandchildren yet liv-ing; It: I Will & give to my son Abraham Drake all Debts, Dues, bills; bonds whatsoever belonging to me.

Item I ordain & Constitute my son Abram Drake my sole exec-utour to this my last will & testiment revoking all other former wills by me made; in witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the eighteenth of May one thousand six hundred & sixty three

[Seal] Robert X Drake
his Marke

John Barsham
Giles fuller

[Proved April 14, 1668.]

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Court Files, vol. I, p. 106.]

[Inventory of the estate of Robert Drake, yeoman, “who deceased the 14th of Jenewary, 1667″; taken by Samuel Dalton and Abraham Perkins Jan. 28, 1667; amount, £184.10.0.]

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]

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