The will of Abraham Drake of Hampton, 1714

In the Name of God Amen: I: Abraham Drake of Hampton in the Province of New Hampsheir in New England: (Senior) Being weak in Body * * * Ily: I Give and Bequeath unto Sarah my Dearly Beloved wife my west End of my Dwelling House and the Saller under that House so Long as she shall Live or till she shall marreye again and that my two Sons Abraham and Nathaniel or there Heirs is for to maintain ther mother Honerable and Decent with all things Convenente for her during the Time above said: or my said wiff shall have the impromente of one thurd of all else my Estate the time abovesaid

2ly: I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Abraham Drake all my land on the north side of the waye with the House and Barne where he now liveth and the Orchard And also two acres and a halfe of fresh medow that was fformerly Colcards and one acre that I had of ffrancis page and all the medow that I had of Joseph page And that the Said Abraham Drake and his Heirs is for to have free Egress over my other Land to Eache passell of medow for Ever for mowen or Carting As he or they may have Ocation; and also the one half of my Spring marsh and half my marsh att the hop ground, and also half my thatch ground in the ffalles marshs and also one half of my two lots in the old north Devision, and the one half of my lott at Burchen playn and the one half of my lott at pine Hill that Is not now ffenced in and the one half of the Timber there: of that that is now ffenced in: Nathaniel Drake to Devied Each parsell and Abraham Drake to Chuse And also one shear of marsh in the Grate ox Com’on and my two shers of thatch groud that Ly together and also one Shear in the Cow Com’on and my two Lotts in the Second west Devision; and also the one half of all my Implyments for Husbendry—

3ly: I Give and Bequeath unto my Son nathaniel Drake my now Dwelling Houses only my wiff is to have the west End and Sellere as beforesaid: as also my Barns orchard plow land and pauster Land and medow that Lys on the South side of the way that was fformerly my father, Abraham Draks Only my Son Abraham and His Heirs is for to have Liberty for to go over itt as abovesaid: and also I give unto my Son Nathaniel the one Half of my Spring marsh: and half my marsh att the hopground: and also half my thatch ground in the ffalles marshs: and also the one half of my Lott att Burchen playn : and also my Land that is now fenced in att Pine Hill only Abrah is to have half the Timber that is on as abovesaid: and also the one half of my Land ther that is not fenced The Said Nathaniel for to Devied Each parcell and Abraham to Chuse: and also fouer half Shears of Land in the first west Devision: and also my part of the Saw mill: and the one half of all my Implyments for Husbendry; and I give unto him the Sd nathaniel the Bead that he lys upon with al the furniture belonging to itt: and also ye Bead that I lye one with all the furniture belonging to itt after my Decease and the Decease of my now wiff

4ly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Drake twenty pound in marchentabele paye at mony price: that is to saye five pound to be Payd her the first yeare after my Deceas and five pound the third yeare after: and five pound the fifth yeare and five pound the sixeth yeare After my Deceas all to be payd by my Son Abraham Drake and also I give unto my Daughter Sarah the bead that she Lyeth on with all the furnituer Belonging to itt: and also she is to have Liberty for to live in the East End of my House and a prevelidge in the Seller so long as she shall Live unmarried And also my Son Abraham and my Son Nathaniel is to keep the sd Sarah a Cow wintere and Sumer so long as shee shall live unmarried.

5ly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Jane fouer pounds mony to be payd by my two Sons: that is to Saye forty shillings to be payd by my Son Abraham the Second Yeare after my Deceas and forty shillings by my Son Nathaiel the third yeare after my Deceas

6ly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary twenty pounds in marchentable paye att mony price to be payd by my Son nathaniel Drak That is to saye five pound the second year after my Deceas and five pound the forth year and five pound the fifth year and five pound the six year And I do make Constitute and Apoint my welbeloved wiffe Sarah Drake and my Son Nathaniel Drake to be my sole Executrix and Executours to this my Last will and Teastiment Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Tastament In witnes whare of I the befor mentioned Abraham Drake Senior have here unto put my hand and affixt my Seal this twenty fifth dayof may in the yeare of our Lord Seventeen hundred and fourteen and in the thirteen yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland Queen

Abraham X Drake [seal]
His marke

Joseph Cass
Thomas Leavitt
Samll Dow

[No record of probate.]

{Inventory, June 29, 1714; amount, £885.15.0; signed by Joseph Cass and Thomas Leavitt.]

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