The will of William Godfrey of Hampton, 1667

In the Name of God Amen

I William Godfrey of Hampton in the County of Norfolke in New England being very sick & weak of Body butt sound of mind & understanding: Doe make this my last will as followeth

Conserning such Estate as God hath Given mee in this world I Doe will & bequeth as followeth

Imp I Give and bequeth unto Margery My Loveing wife all my stock of Cattle Duering the terme of her naturall life and whatt stock of Cattle shall Ramane att her Decease to Return to my sonn Isaac Godfrey: Itt I Give unto Margery Godfrey my wife my Dwelling House Duering the terme of Her naturall life

Itt I Give unto Margery Godfrey my wife all my Houshold Goods . . . her & her heires for Ever

Ittem I Give unto Margery my wife and Isaack Godfrey my sonn all my land both of upland medow & marsh pastors orchyard or Gardens or other Inclosure (Excepting whatt shall be hereafter mentioned ) to bee and Remain to them Duering yeterme of my wives naturall life & att my wives Decease to bee & Remaine to sole [pro]priety & possetion of my son Isaac Godfrey to him hes Heires for Ever, Item my will & pleasure is thatt my sone in law webester shall have & Injoy that peece [of]1 the land last purchesed of Nath Boulter yt Remaines in [ye] Hands of my son Isaac or else thatt my son [Isaac] pay him the some of five pound & keep the sd [land] Himselfe

Itt I Give and Bequeth unto my son John Godfrey so much [of] my planting lott as will make up yt pl whearon hes House standeth fower trees which so to bee layd outt to him as yt itt may take in all the unbrok up land to the [Swamp]

Ittem I Give & bequeth unto my Daughter sarah Godfrey the some of Six pounds to bee payd by my son Isaac ye year after my wives Decease:

Itt I Doe Give unto my Daughter Deborah Godfrey the some of Six pound to bee payd to her the second year after my wives Decease: & my wife & my son Isack to have & Injoy all my Comonedg & other towne privledg which is to Remain to my son Isaac after my wives Decease And I Doe make my loveing wife & my sone Isaack my law full Executor to this my last will & testiment to see the same [per]formed & I appointt my loving friends Robertt Page &Samuell Dalton to bee as over seeres to all Intents & Constructions herin Contained wittness my hand & seale ye 2d 8th mo 1667

William Godfrey
His mark [seal] & Seale

Abraham Perkins
Samuell Dalton

1 The words in brackets are supplied from the recorded copy.

[Proved April 11, 1671.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 2, p. 212.]

[Inventory of the estate of Deacon William Godfrey, taken April 10, 1671, by Samuel Dalton and Abraham Perkins; amount, £267.7.0.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 2, p. 213.]

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