The will of John Garland of Hampton, 1671

The last will and teastiment of John Garland senior: aged about fivety yeares of Hampton in the countie of norfolke: in nue england Being made and signed: this 15th day of November 1671:

In the name of Jesus christ who is Lord of quick and dead: who hath [taught] uss to doe the will of our Heavenly father And yet hath in his word Ratified the will of the teastatour when he is dead: I John Garland sick in body * * *

As for my outward Estate which god have [gratiously] given me As it is the will of god so my will Is that out of It [my debts] being first paide that then my wife and childreng: should live of [ye] Rest: I doe thearfore give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth my loving wife the north End of my dwelling House and lower Rome & the bed in the Rome & all: furniture to itt: and ten: pound a yeare to be payd as followeth & nesesary Housold stufe that shall be nedfull for a single woman & a Hors to be found Her by my Excectatour: & wood brought to Her dore fitt for the fire: so long ass she live in the House if she Remove from the House or marry then the wood & Hors & the House & five pound of the former ten to cease: she only to Have five pound a yeare paid to Her: and to the milke of a cow so Long as she live in the House: aforesd:

tt I give and bequith unto my son John: garland: my Dwelling House and barn & all my out Housing and all the land: a bout the House & the medow: all that I bought of phillip lewes: & 5 ackes: more or less of salt marsh lieng in the Littill oxe comon: which wase formerly Tho: chaces: and a mare colt: which I formerly gave him Likewise I give unto my son John garland: all my stock of cattell Horses & swine: And Impliments of Husbandry: that are about my House att Home: and all my Housolld stufe: & beding Excepting what shall be after mentioned: He paying: the former pay to His mother which is formerly mentioned untill: His brother Jacob garland & peter garland shall come to the age of twentie one yeares: and then that: pay to be Equeally: devided & thay all to pay there mother: one ass much ass the other:

tt I give unto my son: Jacob: garland & peter garland the [one ] Half: of that land that I bought of mr Seaborn cotten that is in the woods with the plows & Impliments of Husbandry that is theare: the land and them to be equally: devided between them: which is att the Hog pen plaine : thay to Have it [ass] thay come to the age of twentie one years: : ase also each [of] them a bed and the furneture to itt: when: that come to [ye age] of twentie one years: to be paid to them by my Excecteure

And I doe hearby apoint my deare and loving wife Elizabeth Garland: & my son John garland to be my lawfull Excetor & Excecetour: she untill: my son John come to the age of [one] and twentie yearse: and then: my son John garland to be my Excectetour to this my last will and teastiment and for the confermation Hearof I the above sd John garland Senior Have Hearunto put my Hand and seall the day and yeare above

The mark of
John X garland [seal]

Signed & sealed in the pressenes:
Of uss
Robard X page &
& His mark
Hen: Dow

[proved April 9, 1672.]

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files; Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 2, p. 249.]

[Inventory of the estate of John Garland of Hampton “late deceased upon the 4 day of Jenuary 1671,” taken by Robert Page, James Philbrick, and Henry Dow Feb. 6, 1671; amount, £363.0.0.]

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]

[Words in brackets are supplied from the recorded copy, Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 2, p. 249.]

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