The will of Thomas Leavitt of Hampton, 1692

In the name of God Amen the ninth Day of July in the Year of our Lord god 1692 I Thomas Levet in the Town of Hampton in ye province off New Hampshr in New England Yeoaman * * *

Item I give my goods I give and bequeath as followeth. To my loveing wife I give and bequeath the thirds of all my Lands meaddows Marshes and houseing Convenient dureing her life time and then to Retourne to my Sons Aretas and John Leavett : to my wife I give and bequeath two Cows two Swine three Sheep my brass and puter the thirds of all my Corne at her owne Disposing the rest of my Estate I give and bequeath as followeth—

Item To my Son Hezron, Levet one Hundred ackers of land at the new plantation as it is granted to me and twenty pounds fformerly given to him and ffive Shillings in merchantable pay after my Decease—

Item To Hezrons Son Thomas Levet tenn pounds to be paid to him at the adge of one and Twenty years of adge, in Merchantabell pay by my sons Aretas and John Levet:

Item All the Rest of my houseing: Lands Meaddows marshes; Shares of Commons out lands what soever I give and bequeath to my two Sons Aretas and John Levet Equally: John Levet to Devid and Aretas to make his Choice after my decease—

Item All in Aretas house and my ffether bed and ffurneture, one paire off betell rings and halfe the wedges and half the Cross Cut Saw and half the tooles about Husbandre, with his house that he now lives in, I give and bequeath unto Aretas Levet—

Item The other halfe of the tooles above mentioned I give to my Son Levet with all his Carpenters tooles and his house and ground where it now Standeth; and to my son John Levet I give & bequeath a new ffether bed and ffurniture thereunto belonging;

Item To my son James Levet I give and bequeath tenn pounds—

Item To my three Dafters, Isabella Towle, Jemima Knowles, Kezia Tucker Each off them ffive shillings a peic;

Further My Will is that my wife shall have her comfortable houseing ffor her selfe and her Cattell. The rest of my Cattell to be Equaly devided as abovesaid Excepting my wifes two Cowes two Swine three Sheep, My Leageses to be payed three years after my decease, in merchtble pay Except Tobacco—

Item I Doe ordaine and constitute my Loveing wife and my Son John Levet to be my Sole Executours to this my last will and Testament.

Witness hereoff I have here unto sett my hand and affixed my Seale the day and year above writen; and in the third or ffourth yeare his Majests Reigne King willm and Queen Mary King off England Scot: ffran: & Ireland King defender off the ffaith—

Thomas X Levet (Seal)
his marke

Signed Sealed in the presents of us Abraham Drake Senr Abraham Drake Junr Robert Drake—

[Proved May 25, 1697.]

[Probate Records, vol. 2, p. 26.]

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