The will of Isabel Leavitt of Hampton, 1698/9

In the name of god Amen the: 8 of februwarye in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ninty and nine I Isball Levet towne of Hampton In the province of new Hampshire in new England beinge of good and perfect memorye Although weake of bodye: * * *

Ily: Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Isball toule one cowe and one box of Linnen and my wearinge cloaths

2dly I give to my daughter Jemima knowls one cowe and one Sheep: and to my grand childe Sarah knowls I give one Sheep: And to: my daughter keziah: tucker I give twelve Shillings In good marchantabel paye

3dly And my puter and bras I give to my three dafters above named ad to be equally devidded Amongst them

4ly I give and bequeath to my Sonne John Levet my warmeinge pan with all the rest of my moveabels whatsoever And my Legaseys to be payde with In one yeare after my desease upon demande And to be delivered att the Howse where my Sonne John Levet now dweleth And I doe ordayne and constitute my Loveinge Sonne John Levet to be my Sole execetor to this my Laste will and testament: In witnes Hereof I Have hereunto Sete my hande and Afixed my Seale the daye and yeare Above writen And In the tenth yeare of His majestys raigne Kinge william kinge of england Scotland france ad Ireland defender of the faith

Isball X Levet [seal]
Hir marke

Signed and Sealed:
In the presenc of us
John Smith : Senior
John : Smith : Junr

[Proved July 9, 1700.]

[Inventory of the estate of Isabel Leavitt, who died Feb. 9, 1698/9, taken May 12, 1699; amount, £76.11.9; signed by Thomas Roby and John Tuck.]

[Probate Records, vol. 3. p. 165.]

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