Genealogy of John Bickford of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the John Bickford family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Family of John Bickford of Oyster River, New Hampshire John Bickford of Oyster River Point, according to two depositions made in 1669, was then sixty years of age. There are depositions of a John Bickford which make him to have been born in 1609, 1612, and 1615. There may have been several John Bickfords, and perhaps John, or the clerk, did not know just how old John was. Old depositions show that many persons varied in age … Read more

Genealogy of the Bennett Family of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Bennett family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources.This surname is often written Bennick in town records 1 Arthur Bennett of Oyster River Arthur Bennett, born about 1640, as depositions show, married before 1665 Mary, daughter of John and Welthen Goddard. He was taxed at Oyster River, 1666-67. He mortgaged, 13 June 1679, to Nicholas Harrison of Fox Point land and part of sawmill at Piscassick, “which formerly belonged to our Honred father John Goddard.” He died 20 Jan. 1682/3. His wife died before April 1717. 2. … Read more

Genealogy of the Beard Family of Oyster River NH

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Beard family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Family of Thomas Beard Thomas Beard, born 1608, had a grant of land at Sandy Point, on Dover Neck, in 1642, and, with Valentine Hill, a grant of Oyster River Falls in 1649, He was in Barbadoes in 1668 and then gave to his wife, Elizabeth, a power of attorney. He left widow, Mary, who married William Williams, His will, 16 Dec. 1678, names wife, Mary, and children: Joseph m. Esther dau. of James Philbrick of Hampton, b. … Read more

Genealogy of Jacob Bamford/Basford of Durham NH

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Bamford/Basford family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Jacob and Elizabeth Basford The History of Hampton says that Jacob and Elizabeth Basford had five children. This family appears in Durham as Basford and Bamford. The family lived in the vicinity of Chesley’s mill. The following is all that the records of Hampton and Durham give us. James bapt. in Hampton 9 May 1697. He had wife, Mary, son, James, bapt. by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 29 Nov. 1721; rem. to Chester. Mary b. 28 Aug. 1697; … Read more

Genealogy of Joshua Ballard of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Ballard family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Joshua Ballard, son of Timothy and Sarah (Abbot) Ballard of Andover, Massachusetts, was born 10 Aug. 1760. He came to Durham when a boy and learned the hatter’s trade of Thomas Pinkham, who married his sister, Sarah. He married Mrs. Lydia (Burnham) Emerson, widow of Moses Emerson. He built the house at the corner of the Madbury Road and the Mast Road, in Durham village. Lydia Ballard died 18 April 1826, aged 75. Joshua Ballard died 27 April … Read more

Genealogy of John Ambler of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Ambler family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. John Ambler bought, in 1703, the place that once was owned by John Hill, at Oyster River Point, on the shore of Little Bay. Aug. 7, 1717, he bought of Edward and Sarah Wakeham six acres formerly in the possession of Nicholas Done (Dunn), which Wakeham bought of Widow Elizabeth Done. Other lands he bought of Joseph Kent and of Samuel Edgerly.  John Ambler married (1) Hannah, widow of Robert Watson. Dr. Quint said she was daughter of … Read more

Genealogy of Thomas Ash of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Ash family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Thomas Ash witnessed a deed in Boston 2 (12) 1652. Thomas Ash, perhaps the same, signed a petition from Dover, N. H., in 1689. He lived near the head of Johnson’s Creek. He married (1) Hannah Chesley, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth, (2) Widow Mary Rollins, or Rawlins. His will, 1718, names wife, Mary, son, Thomas, daughter, Hannah Pierce, to whom he gave five shillings, and “other daughters.” Hannah married Benjamin Pierce [1]Benjamin Pierce (Joseph3, Anthony2, John1) was … Read more

Genealogy of Charles Adams of Oyster River New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Charles Adams family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Charles Adams, born about 1623, bought land at Oyster River of John Ault, 10 April 1645. He was taxed in 1648, and took the oath of fidelity 21 June 1669. Constable in 1662. He and fourteen others of his household were slain in the massacre of 1694, and his house was burned. The mound of earth marking their graves is very near the Mathes burial place, at Durham Point. Deliverance, named in Court record, 1679. Charles b. … Read more