Probate Records of Hampton, N.H., 1649-1770

The early probate records of the Province of New Hampshire, from 1635 to 1771, have been published in nine volumes (vols. 31-39) of the set “New Hampshire State Papers” edited by Albert Stillman Batchellor, Henry Harrison Metcalf, and Otis G. Hammond. Originally published in the years 1907-1941 these books are available online in pdf format online. It is strongly suggested that whenever possible the original text from the State Papers (if not the original wills themselves) be checked due to the possibility of typographical errors. At present only Hampton wills from volume one, covering the years 1635-1717, are included here.

Probate of William Wilson of Hampton, 1710

[Administration on the estate of William Wilson of Hampton, cooper, granted to his widow, Elizabeth Wilson, April 26, 1710.][Probate Records, vol. 7, p. 134.] [Bond of Elizabeth Wilson of Hampton, widow, with Lieut. Joseph Swett and John Gove as sureties, in the sum of £100, April 26, 1710, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, Joseph Smith and Elizabeth Smith.] [Abigail Wilson of Hampton, daughter of William Wilson, makes choice of Joseph Swett of Hampton as her guardian, April 26, 1710; witnesses Joseph Smith and Charles Story.] [Inventory, signed by Joseph Gove and John Gove: amount, £71.12.0.] [Settlement of the … Read more

The Will of John Wedgwood of Hampton, 1654

The last will & testamt of John wedgwood of Hampton. In ye name of God Amen : The twentie fourth day of ye month of November one thousand six hundred fiftie fower I John wedgwood husbandman of Hampton in ye County of Norfolke being of whole minde & in good & perfect remembrance Laud & praise bee unto Allmighty God make & ordaine this my prsent Testament concerning herein my last will in manner & forme following that is to say first I com’end my soule unto Almighty God my Maker & my redeemer Item I bequeathe to my eldest Sonne viz John my house … Read more

The will of James Wall of Hampton, 1659

The last will & testament of James Wall of Hampton in the County of norfolke I James Wall being very weake of Body but of Good understanding & memory Due by these prsents Comend unto all unto whome they shall Come the true Intent of my mind Conserning the setteling of my Estate after my Decease viz Conserning the Deeds formerly made to my two Eldest Daughters (Elizabeth & Sarah Wall) of my farme which lyeth westward of Robert Pages Land & bounded with the River Call Taylors River towards the South & Likewise Six Acres of Salt marsh lying … Read more

Probate records of Robert Tuck of Hampton, 1664

[Inventory of the estate of Robert Tuck, appraised by Robert Page and Thomas Ward Nov. 17, 1664. Amount, £385.17.2.] [Norfolk County, Mass., Court Files, vol. 1, p. 39] [Administration on the estate was granted to “Johannah Tucke widow & John Samborn her son in law,” Oct. 11, 1664.] [Norfolk County, Mass., Court Files, vol. 1, p. 39, and Court Records, Oct. 11, 1664.] [Order of court, April 11, 1665, that the estate of Robert Tuck, intestate, be left in the hands of the administrator for the use of the widow during her life, and then be divided among the three … Read more

Probate Records of Edward Tuck of Hampton, 1653

[Order of court June 14, 1653, that the two children of Edward Tuck of Hampton shall have out of his estate as follows: Edward Tuck, the older, 40 marks at the age of twenty-one, including the house, and all the lands, meadow, upland and commonage mentioned in the inventory; and John, the younger, 20 marks at the age of twenty-one. The widow was to have the rest, and was to have the use of £40 until the children were of age, she having them taught to read and write.] [Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]

The will of Philip Towle of Hampton, 1709-17

I Philip towl of Hampton in New Hampshr being in good helth & Sound memory; And now going in to Her majestys Service & not knowing how God may deel with me Do make & declare this my last will & testement Imprimes I Give my Sole to God hoping in his mercy in Jesus Christ for pardon of all my Sins; & my body to ye dust from whence it was taken to be buryed in Christian manner— & my worldly Estate after my Just Debts are paid— I give and bequev unto my Brother Caleb whether Real or personal & … Read more

The will of Joshua Towle of Hampton, 1714

In the name of God, Amen. I Joshua Towl of Hampton in the Province of New Hampshire in New England, Husbandman, being weak in body * * * Item, I Give, & Bequeath to my well Beloved Wife Sarah all my Houshold Goods, Cattle, & Moveables to be wholy at her disposal, She paying to my Daughter Hannah Gilman as hereafter ordered; I also give to my said wife the use & Improvement of my Dwelling House which I now Live in, with all my lands Messuages & Tennements (excepting six acres hereafter Mentioned) during her Natural life. Item. To … Read more

Probate of William Swaine of Hampton, 1657

[Inventory of the estate of William Swaine, Jr., of Hampton, taken by Robert Tuck, John Sanborn, Samuel Dalton, and William Marston Nov. 10, 1657; amount, £136.4.0; sworn to by Prudence Swaine, the widow, April 12, 1658.] [Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol 1, p. 76.]

Probate records of Hezekiah Swaine of Hampton, 1670

[Inventory of the estate of Hezekiah Swaine of Hampton, taken by Thomas Marston and Nathaniel Batchelder May 2, 1670; amount, £142.18.0; attested by William Swaine, administrator.][Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol 2, p. 191.] Hezekiah Swaine of hampton in ye County of [Norfolke lately]1 Deses [&] having mad no will, & levinge an [estate and also] some [debts] to bee payd: His Brother william [Swaine] mad administrator to ye estate may ye 6th 1670 & and 3 sisters Hanath, bethia and prudence Swaine [being heires to] the estat left for ye Devidinge of ye estate they agre [as followeth] if ye Court see … Read more