The will of Philip Towle of Hampton, 1709-17

I Philip towl of Hampton in New Hampshr being in good helth & Sound memory; And now going in to Her majestys Service & not knowing how God may deel with me Do make & declare this my last will & testement

Imprimes I Give my Sole to God hoping in his mercy in Jesus Christ for pardon of all my Sins; & my body to ye dust from whence it was taken to be buryed in Christian manner— & my worldly Estate after my Just Debts are paid— I give and bequev unto my Brother Caleb whether Real or personal & appynt my above named brother Caleb towl my Executor to this my last will & testament in testimony where of I Sett my hand & Seal this 31: day of May 1709: in ye eighth yeare of her majestys Queen ann her Reign ove Great Britans &c

the marke & Seal of
Philip X towl [seal]

Signed Sealed & declared
before us witnesses
Robert Drake
Joshua Winget
Test Joseph Smith Justice of pece

[Proved Sept. 6, 1717.]

[Inventory, July 13, 1717; amount, £135.2.0; signed by Joseph Smith and Joshua Wingate; mentions a widow.]

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