Genealogy of Joshua Ballard of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Ballard family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Joshua Ballard, son of Timothy and Sarah (Abbot) Ballard of Andover, Massachusetts, was born 10 Aug. 1760. He came to Durham when a boy and learned the hatter’s trade of Thomas Pinkham, who married his sister, Sarah. He married Mrs. Lydia (Burnham) Emerson, widow of Moses Emerson. He built the house at the corner of the Madbury Road and the Mast Road, in Durham village. Lydia Ballard died 18 April 1826, aged 75. Joshua Ballard died 27 April … Read more

Genealogy of John Ambler of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Ambler family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. John Ambler bought, in 1703, the place that once was owned by John Hill, at Oyster River Point, on the shore of Little Bay. Aug. 7, 1717, he bought of Edward and Sarah Wakeham six acres formerly in the possession of Nicholas Done (Dunn), which Wakeham bought of Widow Elizabeth Done. Other lands he bought of Joseph Kent and of Samuel Edgerly.  John Ambler married (1) Hannah, widow of Robert Watson. Dr. Quint said she was daughter of … Read more

Genealogy of Thomas Ash of Durham New Hampshire

Durham Village New Hampshire

A genealogy of the Ash family of Durham New Hampshire as extracted from the History of Durham New Hampshire and other sources. Thomas Ash witnessed a deed in Boston 2 (12) 1652. Thomas Ash, perhaps the same, signed a petition from Dover, N. H., in 1689. He lived near the head of Johnson’s Creek. He married (1) Hannah Chesley, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth, (2) Widow Mary Rollins, or Rawlins. His will, 1718, names wife, Mary, son, Thomas, daughter, Hannah Pierce, to whom he gave five shillings, and “other daughters.” Hannah married Benjamin Pierce [1]Benjamin Pierce (Joseph3, Anthony2, John1) was … Read more