The will of Henry Dow of Hampton, 1659

The Last will & testament of Henery Dow Senr of Hampton Beinge Sick & weeke of Body butt firme of understanding and memory Itt I Give and bequeth unto Margrett my loving wife my House lott being by Estamation ten Acres more or less & Six acres of fresh meddow att the springs & one sheare of the lower Cowes Comon ; Three of my Cowes : & the Dwelling House upon the lott above sd : and att my Househould stuff Excepting whatt shall be other waies Disposed of Itt I Give and bequeath unto my sonn Henry Dow all the planting Ground thatt is in my Hands in the East field, and my seaventeen acres of Salt marsh and . . . one sheare of the Cow comon and a sheare of the ox Comon and all my Cattell Excepting the three Cowes abovesd

Itt to my Sonn Henery, one fether bed wch Hee useth to ly upon and all the Bed Cloathes thereunto Belonging and the middelmost Iron Pott : and I Due by these presents make and appoint my sonn Henery my sole Exequetor to this last will and testamentt Itt I Doe Give and Bequeath unto my sonn Joseph the some of thirty pounds to bee payd when Hee shall Arive to the age of twenty and one yeers. Itt I Doe Give and Bequeath unto my sonn Danill and to my Daughters mary and Hannah five pounds apeece to be payd to them when they shall Arive to the age of twenty and one years Itt : I Give unto my sonn Thomas & my sonn Jeremiah five pounds a peece to bee payd to them att the age of one & twenty yeeres And after my wives Decease the House & House lott and the six acres of medow to Returne Into the Hands of my Excequetors ; In Cause thatt Hee please to Resigne up the House and fifty Rods of ground which was sometime posesed by Thomas Sleeper Into the Hands of my sonn Joseph and Pay unto my five yongest Children above sayd five and twenty pounds thatt is to say five pounds a peece : to bee Payd five pounds to the eldest the yeere after my wives Decease and so five pounds a yeere to the next yonger untill the some of five pounds bee payd to the . . .fter and still with this proviso thatt in Cause my sone Henery bee nott willing to leave the place wheare Thomas Sleeper lived & to take the lands above sayd After my wives Decease upon the Conditions above named then the sd House & House lot with the Six acres of medow are to Returne to my sonn Joseph who upon the takeing possesion of them is to undertake for the paying of the twenty five pounds above sd to my five yongest Children according to the times above mentioned : Itt I Give unto my wife two of the best of my swine & so much of the Corne in the House as may maintaine Her & my Children untill Harvest & all the Crop on the House lott att Harvest & the Corne till Harvest to bee twenty bushels To this my last will & testament I sett my Hand & Seale ye 16 : 2 mo 1659

Henrye dow

Robert Page
His X marke
Samll Dalton

[Proved Oct. 4, 1659.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, p. 85.]

[Inventory of the estate of Henry Dow, Sr., “latt desesed upon the 21st day of Aprill 1659″; taken by Robert Page, William Godfrey, and Henry Roby May 19, 1659; amount £193.4.6.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, p. 86.]

[Joseph Dow acknowledges the receipt from Henry Dow of £30 left to him in the will of his father; dated Nov. 28, 1666; witnesses, Thomas Nudd and Francis Page.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 3, p. 46.]

[Jonas Gregory of Ipswich, Mass., acknowledges the receipt from his brother, Henry Dow of Hampton, of £5 left to his wife, Hannah Gregory, in the will of her father, Henry Dow; dated June 30, 1670.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 3, p. 46.]

[Thomas Dow acknowledges the receipt from his brother, Henry Dow, of £5 left to him in the will of his father, Henry Dow; dated April 29, 1674.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 3, p. 46.]

[Daniel Dow of Hampton acknowledges the receipt from his brother, Henry Dow, executor, of £10 left to him in the will of his father, Henry Dow; dated Nov. 10, 1676; witnesses, Thomas Nudd and Joseph Dow.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 3, p.46.]

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