Probate of Benjamin Fifield of Hampton, 1706

[Administration on the estate of Benjamin Fifield of Hampton granted to Jonathan Fifield of Hampton Sept. 3, 1706.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4., p. 312.]

[Bond of Jonathan Fifield of Hampton, yeoman, with Thomas Cram and John French, both of Hampton, yeomen, as sureties, Aug. 3, 1706, in the sum of £500, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, Nicholas Mead and Charles Story.]

Whereas Sarjant Benjamin fifeld of hampton in ye province of Newhamshier now deseased, losinge his life by ye hand of ye barbarous Indian Enemy and havinge made no writtinge under his hand for ye disposall of ye estatt it pleased god to give him

wee the widow & relectt of ye said Benjamin fifeld as also ye Children heirs & sucksessors of the said ffifeld beinge mett togather to Consider of matters relatinge to ye estatt left by ye said deseased and willinge to doe: and yt it Should bee done as neare as may bee, accordinge to ye mind and will somtims declared by ye said person deseased; have thus unanimusly agreed as followeth

ffirst that the eldest son havinge had some upland of his father formerly, he is also to have three acers of march hee ye sd John fifeld useth to mow in ye nine acer lot of march Called the Clambanke march: on ye south sid of ye falls river, Joseph fifeld is to have three acers of march in ye same lot ajoyninge to his brother Johns three acers lower downe toward Sarjants Iland so Called—Edward fifeld is to have three acers of march in ye Same lot ajoyninge to his brother Josephs three acers lower downe, Benjamen fifeld is to have Sixe acers of upland Joyninge to the land hee bought of his brother John fifeld, as also thirteene pounds in marchantable pay at mony price, but it is to be understood that the thirteen pound and ye Six acers of upland that is to ye said benjamin fifeld; as also the three acers of march to Joseph fifeld and also the three acers of march to Edward fifeld is not to be delivered to them but to bee in the possession and for ye use and in ye improvement of their brother Jonathan fifeld for the space of fouer years from ye date hereof, and then to bee delivered to ym accordinge as above exprest Mehetabell Fifield is to have eighteen pounds and Abigall Fifield is to have eighteen pounds to bee payd them by their brother Jonathan Fifield in marchentable pay at money price nine pounds apece to be payd them in ye space of time or end of two years from the date hear of and nine pound to each of them at or before ye end of three years: from the date hear of, their mother ye widow Fifield is to have the use and disposal of all the Houshold goods and edentulous whatsoever belongings to ye house within dears:— Jonathan Fifield is to have all ye rest of his desesed father fields lands yet is not above mentioned to his brothers; all ye houses lands erasable Pasteur; the marches Comales with all appurtinances & privilidgs whatsoever belongings to his sd father desesed, as also the Stoke of Cattell of all sorts whatsoever, and all ye Tooles for husbandry works as also whatsoever is due to ye estat te from any person, ye sd Jonathan to receive hee paying all honest & Just debts to any man due from ye sd estat, it is also agreed & declared that the sd Jonathan Fifield is and hee doth agree to take Care for the Comfortable and honorable support and maintenance of ye widow; their mother during her naturall life, and if it Should so happed yt the sd Jonathan should daces before his mother the revenue and income of ye lands yt the sd Jonathan Fifield has yt was his fathers shall bee for ye report and maintenance of his mother as much of it as is necessary as longe as shee doth remaine a widow, all these particularize herein specified to each particular person as it is by this Instalment declared, to Have and to Hold to them their heires exec. and Assignes forever and to declare our agreement to the true intent & performance of all and every particular in the precedes and Confirmation hear of wee have sett to our hands & seall this 30th day of agust 1706 and in ye fifth yeare of ye reigne of our Sovaraigne ye Lady Ann of England, france and Iarland quene; & wee ye Subscribers desier ye Judges & probat of wills to confirm it accordingly

ye mark of X mary ffifeld [seal]
John ffifeld [seal]
Joseph fifeild [seal]
Edward Fifield [seal]
Benjamen ffifeild [seal]
Jonathan fifeild [seal]
ye mark of X mehetabel ffifeld [seal]
ye mark of X Abigail ffifeld [seal]

signed and Sealed
in ye presence of us
Jacob Green
Tho Chase

The subscribers hear of (viz) mary Fifield & John Fifield Joseph Fifield and Edward Fifield, Benjamin Fifield & Jonathan Fifield, mehetabell Fifield & abigell Fifield personally appeared and acknowliged this above written Instrument to bee their free & vollintery act & deed this 2d day of septembr 1706 before mee

Nathll weare Justice of peace
3rd Augt 1706

I allow and Approve of the above Agreement
Pr Joseph Smith
Judge of probats of wills & c—

[Warrant, Sept. 3, 1706, authorizing Capt. Henry Dow and Capt. Jacob Green, both of Hampton, to receive claims against the estate.]

[Warrant, Sept. 3, 1706, authorizing Capt. Jacob Green and Thomas Chase, both of Hampton, to appraise the estate.]

[Inventory, Sept. 3, 1706; amount, £270.2.0; signed by Jacob Green and Thomas Chase.]

[List of claims against the estate, Feb. 28, 1706/7; amount, £18.7.8; signed by Henry Dow and Jacob Green.]

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