Probate of John Moulton of Hampton, 1706/7

[Administration on the estate of Lieut. John Moulton of Hampton granted to his son, John Moulton of Hampton, March 4, 1706/7.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 332.]

[Bond of John Moulton of Hampton, with Humphrey Perkins and Daniel Moulton as sureties, March 4, 1706/7, in the sum of £200, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, Thomas Batchelder and Jacob Moulton.]

An Agreemt about the Estat of Lt John Moulton of Hampton decd as foll:

Know all men by these presents that whereas Lieut John Moulton of Hampton, in the province of New Hampshire in New England late deceased, dyed Intestate, and left an Estate of Lands Goods & Chattels, and Administration being granted Unto his eldest Sonn John Moulton; as alsoe the Said John Moulton deceased left a wife and Tenn Children the widdow and Relict of the Said Lt John Moulton deceased, as alsoe the Children hereafter Named doe Mutually Agree that the Estate be divided and Settled as followeth./viz.

1ly That the widdow Lydia Moulton shall possess and Enjoy dureing her Natural life the west end of the dwelling House with all the Roomes and Convenyences Unto the Same belonging, together with one third part of the Orchard, and one third part of all the Lands which did of Right belong Unto her Husband John Moulton in his life time, And alsoe to Have hold, possess and Enjoy the one third part of all the Goods and Chattells after the funeral Expences, Debts and Charges are paid to her the Said Lydia Moulton widdow Unto her for Ever at her dispose.

2dly The Said John Moulton Junr To have hold, possess and Enjoy to him his heires and Assignes for Ever, all the Lands, Meadows, Marshes Outlands, Orchards, Buildings, Excepting what is in this Covenant of Agreement Excepted, together with two thirds of all the Goods and Chattells, after all Debts and Charges are paid Unto him the Said John Moulton for Ever at his dispose./ he paying Such portions and Divisions of Lands to each of his Brothers and Sisters as is hereafter mentioned (viz) the said Admr John Moulton doth hereby binde and obleidge himselfe and his Successors, to pay all Debts whatsoever which his father owed in his life time; and to deliver his Mother Lydia Moulton her thirds as abovementioned, and to Deliver Unto his Brother Daniel Moulton one peice of Land being part of the home Lott, containeing two Acres and three quarters adjoyneing to Land of the Said Daniels Eastwardly, Land of palmers Northerly, and of Said John Moultons at the Topp of the Hill Southerly Upon Land of Nathaniel Batchelers South Eastwardly the Said John Moulton Reserving a peice of Land of one Rodd in Breadth next Nathaniel Batchelors, for a way into the Woods Engageing not any wayes to Dampnifie the Inclosure of the General ffeild by Improveing the said way &c; Alsoe the Said John Moulton above Named doth Engage to pay Unto his Brother James Moulton the Sum’e of three pounds. And Unto his brother Nathan Moulton if he demand it Twenty shillings he haveing received his portion in his fathers life time. And Unto his brother David Moulton forty acres of Land lying at Bridehill, and halfe a share of the Cow Common, And Unto his brother Jacob Moulton two Acres of Marsh lying at a place Called the Severals, and abutting Upon the ffresh River.

And Unto his Sister Martha Perkins the Sum’e of forty shillings.
And Unto his Sister Ann Marston the Sum’e of forty shillings.
And Unto his Sister Lydia Marston the Sum’e of forty shillings.
And Unto his Sister Rachel Moulton the Sum’e of forty shillings./

In confirmation of all above written wee the above Named persons to this Agreement, have Mutually Sett to our hands and Seales this fourth day of March 1706, or Seaven; in the fifth yeare of the Reigne of Queen Anne that now is Over England &c: And pray the Honourable Judge of probates to Confirme and Ratifie the Same, as a full and final Settlement of the Estate of our father Lt John Moulton deceased./

Lydia Moulton [seal]
John Moulton [seal]
Daniel Moulton [seal]
James Moulton [seal]
David Moulton [seal]
Jacob Moulton [seal]
Humphrey Perkins [seal]
Caleb Marston {seal]
the Mark and Seal of
Thomas X Marston [seal]
the Mark and Seal of
Rachel X Moulton [seal]

Signed Sealed & Delivrd
In the presence of us
Joseph Palmer
the Mark of
Samuel X Palmer Junr

[Allowed March 11, 1706/7.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 88.]

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