Croydon New Hampshire Cemeteries

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“10), Goss, Gould, Greene(2), Hall(20), Hanes, Harold, Haynes(2), Hayward(2), Heath, Hoard, Howard(3), Howe, Hubbard(2), Humphrey(18), Hurd(4), Hurley(2), Jacobs, Jerard, Kees, Kelsey, Kempton(37), Kennedy(5), Kilton, Kuhn, LaFont, Lane, Lantz, LaPorte, Lavigne, Lawton(5), LeBrun, LeDuc(4), …”

We have recently recorded all internees in Croydon’s nine (9) cemeteries; a 10th, (Brighton) ceased to exist years ago as the headstone were removed for whatever reason but still is town property. Plus, 2 cremations from Croydon Mountain (Peak).

Surnames are sorted in alphabetical order by cemetery. Also see: Croydon Military Burials

Asa Davis Cemetery
(Private) Ryder Cor. Davis (8), Rowell

Baynes Memorial
Croydon Mountain Ernest Harold Baynes; Lecturer, writer, naturalist, crusader and noted New Hampshire ornithologist. A member of the once thriving Cornish Art Colony, he organized the Meriden Bird Club & Sanctuary in 1910, the first of its type in the nation. A bronze tablet is imbedded in granite at what is called “The Overlook” on Croydon Mountain, with the following inscription; “Here were scattered the ashes of Ernest Harold Baynes – Lover of animals and men – and loved of them 5/1/1868-1/21/1925. From the same location, were scattered the ashes of his wife Louise B. Baynes

Brighton Cemetery
Inactive -Fletcher Rd. This cemetery contains no headstones. Headstones were removed to the North Newport Cemetery years ago but the remains of the interned did not.

Croydon Flat Cemetery
(Active)- Camel Hump Rd. Aiken (4), Alexander, Allen(2), Ames, Anderson, Armstrong (4), Baird, Baker(2), Bartlett, Barton(6), Bascom, Beckwith, Blackington(2), Blanchard(5), Boisseau, Bower, Boyce(2), Brassaw(2), Bridgeo(3), Brodeur, Brown(16), Buck, Burke(5), Carley(2), Chamberlain(2), Chartier(2), Chase, Chworowsky(2), Collins, Cooper, Crosby(6), Crowell, Curtis(2), Cutting(2), Davis(2), DeMayo(2), Dent(7), Dodge(7), Dorsey(2), Douglas, Dudley, Durant, Eastman(3), Ellingwood(5), Emery(2), Flanders, Fonasch, Fowler, Freak(3), Garipay, Godfrey, Goldthwait((10), Goss, Gould, Greene(2), Hall(20), Hanes, Harold, Haynes(2), Hayward(2), Heath, Hoard, Howard(3), Howe, Hubbard(2), Humphrey(18), Hurd(4), Hurley(2), Jacobs, Jerard, Kees, Kelsey, Kempton(37), Kennedy(5), Kilton, Kuhn, LaFont, Lane, Lantz, LaPorte, Lavigne, Lawton(5), LeBrun, LeDuc(4), Lees, Lothrop, Loverin(5), MacDonald, Macie(2), Marsh(3), May, McIntosh(5), Muzzey(2), Nelson(2), Olivier, Page(2), Paul, Pendexter, Perkins(5), Perry(6), Persons, Pettingill, Pierson, Pillsbury, Pinkham, Porter(3), Powers(8), Putnam(23), Reed, Riley(2), Russell(3), Sanborn, Sawyer, Shackett(2), Shaw, Smith(3), Stevens(2), Stockwell(8), Stoddard, Stone(2), Tandy(2), Thompson, Truell(4), Tucker(5), Vickery, Walker(17), Walsh, Watson(2), Weeks, Welch(2), Wheeler(2), Whipple(21), Whittier, Williamson, Winter(5), Wood, Wright, Young(2).

East Village Cemetery
( Active) – Cash St – Aldrich, Allen(7), Angell(2), Angier(2), Bain(3), Baker(2), Ballou, Barlett(5), Barton(57), Bascom, Benoit, Benton, Blanchard(12), Bly, Bridgeo(2), Brown(4), Blublat, Buffum, Campbell(2), Carroll(3), Churchill, Clark(13), Clough, Coburn(2), Codman(3), Colby, Comings(5), Coon, Cooper(25), Crooker, Cummings(2), Currier(3), Curtis, Cutler, Cutting, Danforth(2), Darling, Davis(10), Dewey, Dix, Dodge(2), Dow, Dunbar(12), Durkee(5), Eastman(2), Elliot, Emery, Farrington, Felton, Ferry(5), Flanders(3), Forehand(3), Fowle, Fowler, Frye(7), George, Gillit, Gilman, Girvan, Gonyo, Goodhue(4), Grandy(3), Greene, Gross(4), Hall(23), Hammond, Harding(10, Hardy(2), Harriman, Hastings(2), Hay, Hayward, Hazen, Hill, Holbritter(3), Hook, Huggins, Humphrey(3), Hyde(2), Ide(6), Kemp(2), Kidder(8),Kimton(2), King, Leavitt(2), Leeds(5), Linton, Loverin(13), Lurvey(2), Malley, McGuire(3), McKenzie, Miller(5), Miner(2), Morrill(3), Morse, Muzzey(2), Newcomb(9), Nyce, Partridge(9), Paul(3), Perkins, Pernette, Persons(3), Philbrick, Pillsbury(2), Porter(3), Powers(13), Putnam(4), Rawson(4), Reny(2), Richards, Richardson, Riley, Roberts, Rogers, Sanborn(3), Sargent(9), Sawyer, Schroder, Seace, Seavey, Shedd, Shepard(2), Sherrett(2), Skinner, Smart(3), Smith(11), Swuires, Staniels(4), Staples, Stevens(3), Steward, Stocker(2), Stowell, Struthers, Sturtevant, Taylor(3), Thompson, Troy, Wlaker(5), Watts, Webb, Wheeler, Whipple(4), Willard(2), Winter(3), Young(2).

Four Corners
(active) – Croydon Turnpike Ames(2), Bartlett(6), Barton(16), Beliveau, Bragg(7), Braley, Breck, Buck, Carroll(6), Clement, Collins(2), Cooper(5), Crooker(3), Dodge, Dorian(2), Dunbar(2), Elliott, Fogg(4), Forehand(3), Gould, Hall(6), Hardy, Hatch, Haven(9), Haynes, Holbrook, Hook, Hurd, Ide(2), Jacobs(8), Kemton(6), Kendall, Kidder(2), Loverin(3), Marsh(2), McNutt, Melendy(4), Metcalf(9), Mondek, Nelson(6), Nichols(2), Pollard(3), Powers(6), Putnam(4), Root, Shedd(8), Sherman(2), Smart(2), Spear, Stockwell(17), Stone(11), Streeter, Taasker, Wakefield(2), Walker(3), Waterman(2), Wheeler(2), Whipple(4), White(2), Whitney(2), Williams(2), Wilson.

Over the Wall
(Private) Croydon Turnpike – On property of William B. Ruger Sr.
Prescott, Putnam(2).

Pinnacle Cemetery
(Inactive)-Pinnacle Rd.- Oldest A.D., Arms, Barton, Brown, Cooper(11), Cutting(2), Durkee(2), E.F., Forster, Fry, Gibson(2), Gustin(4), Hall(5), Haven(6), Holbrook(3), Kempton, Leach, Marsh, Metcalf(9), Powers(4), Ryder(2), S.W., Skinner(2), Town, Unknown (Experience), W, Walker, Wheelock, Whipple(9).

Putnam Cemetery
(Active)- Pinnacle Rd. Ames(5), Avery, Coburn, Cooper, Dunbar, Eastman(2), Greeley(4), Hall(6), Humphrey(2), Leslie(5), Lovell, Loverin, Lovewell, Maheu, Paul, Perkins, Powers, Putnam(10), Sherman, Tuttle, Weber(6), Willis(3).

Under The Mountain
(Inactive)- Corbin Park
Bartlette, Barton(3), Batcheller, Bowen, Boyden, Fry, Powers(7), Stow, Waker, Walker(4).

Winter Hill (Inactive) – Pine Hill Rd.
Codman(4), Partridge, Smart, Winter


2 thoughts on “Croydon New Hampshire Cemeteries”

  1. I’d like to know if anyone has information on those buried in the Brighton Cemetery in Croydon. This site lists the cemetery as inactive with the headstones removed but not the remains. That doesn’t make sense, legally or ethically to me. I have a reference that two Revolutionary War soldiers were buried there. If that is true, we (I) need to see that they are properly respected.
    John Anderson

    • That page was written by Bert from the Croydon Historical Society in Croydon when they were actively maintaining these pages. I can add nothing to it beside the knowledge that the more rural cemeteries suffered significant theft of their gravestones in the early to mid 1900s… apparently the slate stone could be resold (as relayed by Bert). You should reach out to both the Croydon Historical Society to see if they have additional information on the transfer of gravestones, and then reach out to the township of Croydon, as the selectmen are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the cemeteries.


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